Dany is the only person who will even be the mother of dragons. She's the one who gave birth to the dragons and even if Rhaegal and Viserion one day find different riders to bond ( because Dany can't become their rider; she's already Drogon's) that wont eliminate the special bond they all share with their mother; Dany. Their potential riders will be like the countless dragonriders from the past who shared a bond with the dragon they rode, meanwhile Dany will be the only person in history who revived the dragon species. That will always be hers and hers alone.
With that being said, I don't like belittling a character in order to elevate another (and frankly Dany doesn't need it, she's special on her own account). Jon Snow didn't stumbled upon the direwolves, he found them and convinced his father that his siblings were meant to have them, his actions lead to the greatest treasure the Stark siblings have; to a bond that helped them unlock their magical powers. He's the one who found the sixth pup (despite the fact that Ghost is the silent one so possibly their bond was strong even before their meeting?) and claimed it for himself.
Furthermore, if you bothered to read Jon's chapters you would know that he wasn't given Longclaw just because. Jeor Mormont gave it to him because Jon bravely saved his life from a wight, even burning his hand in the process. Finally, it was Ghost who led him to the dragonglass. It's not something that was discovered by chance, Ghost - who shares Jon's soul- wanted to led him there. It's laughable to pretend that out of all the previleged noble character, the one who has grown with the stain of bastard, gets handled things.
Fuck anyone who belittles Dany's accomplishments. But also fuck anyone who belittles Jon's ones.