Hi stephanie,
I hope this email finds you, as the search and rescue team is otherwise completely out of ideas
Hi stephanie,
I hope this email finds you, as the search and rescue team is otherwise completely out of ideas
i once offered a dog treat to a woman’s human baby she was carrying.
if you are a game designer and you force me to kill wolves AND you have them make sad puppy noises I'm killing you
see this never happens in spider solitaire for windows
The X-Files
He tried to warn us
i got a New Planner which means that i will suddenly and miraculously become organized despite this technique never having worked in the past
by Talos this can't be happening
we are officially in a new era of avatar fandom i am extremely screaming
Back when I worked at walgreens I didn't know witch hazel was a real thing people would come in asking for it and I'd be like yeah it's on aisle 3 next to the wolfsbane and eye of newt you fucking idiot bastard
By talos this can't be happening again
sorry i left u on read i didn’t mean to open it
See you in 1977
It is literally impossible to pick a favorite line from this because the entire thing is gold.
In lieu of flowers, send more life.
psychological thriller: the man was LYING the whole time! me: i know
can’t believe it’s fucking monday i mean what’s next, tuesday? fuck’s sake
this is the realest shit i’ve ever read
all the french in the notes are like