it's really funny how the red scare really never went away, it just aligned with current paranoia in politics.
a lot of people look back on the red scare and say "it's ridiculous all these people got accused of being communists for basically nothing" when today social media sites crack down on accounts from iran, russia, china, or venezuela for criticizing US domestic and foreign policy--this has also ironically lead to censorship of human rights activists as pointed out by iranian journalists, but I guess it doesn't matter because ~evil commie psyops~. here is a post I made on the iran censorship as a result of US government and social media influence (along with other cases of influence) if anyone's interested.
oh, and all this fearmongering about "enemy" countries influencing US politics on social media occurs when the US government has an entire agency dedicated to spreading propaganda on social media in other countries.
really gets the noggin joggin!