thinking about a choose-your-own adventure game as one of the gods trying to disguise themself as a human (in modern Greece) and depending on the decisions you make, the more you narrow yourself down from Vague God who is Everything They Are, into one of their broad functions, into one of their broad functions w political alignments (maybe also depends on location in Greece?), into 1 or 2 local epithets as your choices become less and less broad.
with a more meme-y approach: If you go into Greek Ares, half of his options are like KILL or EAT RAW MEAT or LAUNCH THEM INTO THE STRATOSPHERE or MAKE LIKE YOU’RE HUNTING EVERYONE IN A 3 MILE RADIUS FOR SPORT.
If you go down Athens Athena’s path, all the options become ridiculously convoluted and passive aggressive and only sometimes useful to the situation at hand.
Apollo’s choices at the beginning being unfairly, disgustingly different from each other like “adopt them” “eat their liver then poison the water supply” “[vaguely appropriate verbal response but kinda sleazy]” “quote a Delphic maxim and / or vague prophecy and ascend through the roof (cost: €2,000)”.