Alphabet of Cocoon and Gran Pulse Final Fantasy XIII: Complete Official Guide (2010)
"*This alphabet does not include the letters D, I, J, K, P, Q, V, W, X, and Z."
Are you okay, Complete Official Guide? Because it does include those letters. It would have to, as Lightning's gunblade inscription—"Invoke my name - I am Spark"—uses letters you have asserted don't exist. Some of those letters are on Pulse, too.
id. A screenshot of the god Pulse. Within the highlighted square, the word “VARIABLE” is written in Pulsian script. end id.
Words like "variable," "average," and "multiplication" are scattered across Pulse's exterior. Interesting lore implications behind that, but it's in-game confirmation that there aren't letters just inexplicably missing from the Pulsian alphabet.
Furthermore, some of the translations for the panels above aren't wholly accurate. "CARGO" and "SCHOOL" seem spot-on, but the second panel actually reads "BEHMO" which is quite funny, and the guide only gets partial credit for Fang's weapon. It doesn't just read "Oerba" and "Fang." It's her full name. Oerba Yun Fang.