Crossover sketches The Avengers/Legend of Korra: By Hero Central:
Just sketching random ideas for future fan fiction crossovers. This particular one was inspired after playing the new Avengers Ps4 game after its release some days ago (at last). I had a thought about a crossover between the Avengers and Legend of Korra, as it was a fun idea, however the question was which season of LOK to base it in. So far I looked at it being in either Book 1, Book 3 and Book 4 then wondered if a joined fiction between either two of them would be a potential approach.
The continuity of the Avengers part of the story would be a mix of the ps4 game and the Avengers assemble tv series and using the game suits as in my opinion they were very well designed especially Caps suit and the inclusion of Ms Marvel too.
Still working on a story idea at the moment but heres the random idea sketches.
Legend of Korra (c) Nickelodeon