Bitcoin crash (2018)
can we just talk about this
I’m at the Trigger panel and yoshinari and co just straight up made it rain, dismantling our economy.
Reblog retention cat to increase your financial wealth and savings
Smaug the Impenetrable
This is one of my favorite posts because that cat’s fucking name is fucking meatloaf
Let us just appreciate that this person’s dad didn’t know when they would be home and so he couldn’t plan for them to be able to join the family for dinner, but he knew with no doubts that dear sweet Meatloaf staying in that exact position for hours was an absolute in this scenario. Truly, that cat was named well.
Hail to the king
This is the savings cat. Reblog so u can save up and pay ur bills like the responsible egg they know u can be
I like savings cat better than money cat tbh
Money Cats masterpost, to have your LIFE!! filled with money.
and cats
When u finally have the money to pay EVERYONE back that u owe.
2014 USD Proposal (by Travis Purrington)
would you kindly deliver them by hand