Death Stranding and Quantum Physics
GUYS. In the promotional art of Death Stranding we can see Norman Reedus’ character wearing multiple dog tags. Two of these read out equations. What do these equations have in common? Black Holes.
One of these is the Schwarzschild Metric. It’s related to black holes. It describes gravitational fields outside of spherical masses or the assumption that electric charges of mass and momentum of the mass are all zero before calculating the stability of a black hole.
The schwarzschild black hole is a black hole that has no charge or angular momentum and is surrounded by an event horizon.
Though the equation itself relates directly more to the Schwarzschild radius, which is the maximum radius of a really fucking big thing which the escape velocity reaches the highest thingy it can. (See, the speed of light).
Basically there’s some crazy ass space/time shit going on here
This could be the most scientific way ever to explain “The light will escape from the darkness”.
The other equation looks like the Dirac equation, which relates to waves in quantum mechanics and particle physics. It usually covers the hydrogen spectrum. Considering antihydrogens are the most presumed type of element that would be used for the development of the warp drive, this could only go into further confirmation this is all in relation to wormholes and black holes.
Even with all of this involved, it’s still a mystery what the trailer could really be trying to portray. The baby/fetus in the trailer could very well represent himself, considering the space/time fuckery possibly involved. The C-section looking scar on his stomach could very well be something to do with himself as a variable.