Okay, fine. Be Dave again. Dave: Examine pesterlogs
Sure, not like you have anything better to do when you’re just marching along, slowly dying of dehydration. Though you’re not sure dehydration’s going to be the only killer: wild animals might get you, you might be struck by lightning, you might run into more people on the space cadet’s side. You have shining new vistas of corpses opening before you. You open Jade’s message first.
Of course anything you are doing is super cool. You’re doing it, so it is tautologically cool. And you can never let slip to Rose that you know that word. At least this means Jade was safe when you left, though admittedly she’s pretty hard to damage under most circumstances what with the god tier and even Jack Noir coming running when she shakes the bag of Beggin Strips. You wish you’d fucked up this timeline after she’d hit God Tier this time, because you hate watching her die every time she doesn't.