#coffee creamer – @help-im-a-gay-fish on Tumblr

It's More fun being myself!


Just a gay frog. June 4th. Eng speaker. She/her. Frog/fish. I'm an artist, primarily undertale fan artist. I draw aus and shipping. Creator of the ship kids, Coffee Creamer, Amoris plena and the dark cream twins. Also creator of Dreams, Demons and Desires. Shipping hate is not prohibited here. Always be respectful, thank you ❤️

Coffee creamer is on babysitting duty

Thought about this for a while!! and Creamer's bday was the 8th! and I missed it again so here you go.

Just a cute interaction I thought of, trying to get back into regular drawing again.

And yeah, to lazy for backgrounds, but it's the coffee house okeyyyy

"No I'm not an octopus and please don't ask any more questions about the tentacles please"

Coffee Creamer is by me

Aim is by @zu-is-here


He won't stop thinking about them... (≧∀≦)☆



My boi!!!

Omg that's adorable!!!! I love ittt

Creamer totally knows lol, love how Aim thinks he's being subtle!

This is so adorable thank you! I really needed this!!


Coffee creamer.

Hey look at that! I drew something!!

Idk what's up with me rn but I've just been super tired the last week. I hopefully will be back to drawing soon!! I have some comics planned, and some new fics that I've been sitting on a while heh.

Hope you're all having a nice day!!



Holaaa, después de tiempo se me ocurrió algo y pues vine de nuevo con otro headcanon.

Hiii, after some time I came up with something and so I came back with another headcanon.

First/primero: spanish/español

Second/segundo: english/inglés

(sorry for my bad english and i used the traslator too)


Advertencia: mención de maltrato doméstico, maltrato animal y agresión.

Ccino descubrió lo difícil que puede ser cuidar de un niño cuando su pequeño llegó.

Tanto económicamente como mental y físicamente.

Despertar en la madrugada porque tiene hambre, una pesadilla o su pañal.

Aún cuando Nightmare venía, este no hacía nada así que terminaba siendo más un padre soltero, pero eso no lo detuvo, trató de ser el mejor papá posible para su hijo.

No dejó que le faltara ropa, comida, educación y un hogar.

Pero fallaba en algo que lastimosamente no estaba en sus manos.

Cada vez que Nightmare venía solo era para hacerlo sentir miserable, tanto física como mental.

Él venía solo para alimentarse de su tragedia, tristeza y desesperación, para luego irse y no volver en meses.

Momentos que Ccino no podía evitar, pero que luchaba para que su pequeño no viera.

Intentó mentirle diciendo que era un juego o hacer que durmiera temprano con tapones en los oídos, pero nada era suficiente.

Creamer los terminaba encontrando.

Lágrimas salían de sus pequeños ojos y trataba de defender a su papá intentando que Nightmare pare, gritos que nunca fueron escuchados por el ser oscuro.

Una escena que se repitió por años.

Un día, después de otra sesión trágica que Nightmare generaba para alimentarse, Creamer quedó aferrado a Ccino, abrazándolo y llorando de impotencia por no poder detenerlo.

Ser solo un espectador de la tortura hacia su papá.

Estando tan enojado, triste e impotente gritó:

"-¡Lo odio! ¡Lo odio tanto!-"

Abrazó con más fuerza a Ccino y dijo:

"-¡Papá, yo prometo y juro NUNCA ser como él!-"

Ccino solo lo abrazó y besó su cabeza mientras sentía como una parte su ropa se humedecía por las lágrimas de su hijo.


Creamer se esforzaba mucho por aprobar sus cursos y eso lo llevó a ser uno de los mejores en su aula.

Con un promedio excepcional y un buen comportamiento se hizo conocido entre los profesores.

Algunos compañeros no les gustaba eso y se reían de que sea la mascota de los profesores, pero él no los escuchaba, pensaba más en terminar sus tareas para poder prepararse para los exámenes que en ellos.

Un día mientras caminaba de camino a casa decidió desviarse un poco para pasear.

Eso lo llevó a un lago, se asomó un poco y pudo ver algunos de los peces, sonrió y siguió su camino, pero se detuvo al ver un arbusto un poco raro.

Parecía que tenía más ramas que hojas, pero éstas hojas no se repartían de forma uniforme, parecían arrancadas a propósito, el que lo hizo no parecía ser un buen jardinero, siendo un lugar poco concurrido sólo se acercó y vio.


Todo ese cúmulo de ramas era un nido y esas hojas eran un pobre intento de disfraz.

Siete huevos que se escondían cerca del lago, lo más probable es que fueran de un pato.

Solo se fue y los dejó ahí.

Al día siguiente volvió y se quiso asomar, pero esta vez estaba la mamá de esos huevos, quien no dudó en aletear y correr hacia Creamer para espantarlo, este solo retrocedió y se fue.

Al día siguiente llegó con una pequeña bolsa de semillas que compró con sus ahorros, la pata otra vez aleteo, pero esta vez Creamer le dio comida, esta vio la comida por un momento y aún así siguió intentando espantarlo así que solo se fue.

Estuvo días llendo e intentando alimentar a la pata, cosa que con perseverancia consiguió, ahora se podía acercar más, pero no era lo suficiente como para tener algún contacto con los huevos, pero sabía que estaban bien.

Un día, su salida fue más tarde de lo previsto, pues el profesor no los dejó salir hasta que terminaran de escribir lo de la pizarra, así que apenas salió del colegio fue con una gran sonrisa hacia el lago mientras sacaba la bolsa de semillas de su mochila, pero cuando llego vio a dos chicos de su colegio cerca del arbusto.

Alumnos de su mismo grado, pero de otra aula, van y molestan a quien quieren, robando lápices, almuerzos y dinero de algunos estudiantes más jóvenes.

"Tal vez vienen a admirar los huevos" se dijo, quería convencerse de ello.

Pero al ver sus risas y un graznido ahogado solo hizo que se le cayera la bolsa de semillas, delatando su presencia.

Ahí pudo ver.

Aquel arbusto destrozado, los huevos rotos con algunas piedras de buen tamaño y la pata con el cuello torcido y cuerpo maltratado.

Coffee Creamer estaba horrorizado por lo que veía.

-Ah eres tú ¿Qué haces aquí? ¿No tienes libros qué leer o algo así?-

Creamer sólo seguía mirando los restos del animal mientras notaba como en el pie de uno hay restos de huevo y un poco de sangre.

-Oye te estoy hablando-

Creamer lo vio y respondió.

-¿Por qué? Era sólo una pata con sus huevos, ¿Por qué hicieron esto?-

-¿Por qué? Bueno, yo quería ver sus huevos y me picó las piernas, solo quería ver y me atacó-

-Era una mamá protegiendo a sus hijos-

-Es solo un animal, no pasa nada, además, no era muy fuerte, igual si no éramos nosotros algún otro depredador lo hubiera hecho, ya sabes, el ciclo de la vida-

-¡No! En el ciclo de la vida el depredador caza por sobrevivir-

- Oh vamos, igual si no pudo con esto, menos con un depredador-

-¡Ustedes son dos y ella una!-

-¡¿Y?! ¡La vida nunca es justa!-

La discusión se tornó cada vez más fuerte donde llegó al punto en el que empujaron a Creamer al suelo.

-¡Igualmente no iban a vivir mucho!- gritó uno.

-¡Y más te vale no decirle a nadie o sino te haremos la vida un infierno!- completó el otro.

Ellos sabían que sus padres no dudaría en mandalos a una correccional si se enteranban, no podían arriesgarse.

Coffee Creamer miró el suelo.

Pensó en cómo tenía tantas ganas de un día llegar, ver sólo el cascarón, mirar el lago y ver a mamá pata con sus patitos irse, una imagen que quedaría solo en su mente porque ellos los destruyeron.

Le seguían gritando, pero él no respondía,ni siquiera les estaba prestando atención.

Sus latidos se aceleraron, sentía su sangre arder, estaba molesto por lo que hicieron, pero sus intentos absurdos de justificarse lo pusieron furioso.

Se levantó del suelo y los vio, ellos no parecían afectados por lo que hicieron, no había arrepentimiento, sólo le gritaban que se fuera y que no hablara de lo ocurrido.

Creamer solo apretaba los puños.

Uno de los chicos se acercó para volverlo a empujar, pero fue interrumpido por un tentáculo que lo derribó.

El acompañante, molesto, se acercó levantando su puño con la intención de agredirlo, pero otro tentáculo lo derribó.

Mientras el otro se levantó y le dio un golpe, Creamer lo miró enojado y una de sus extremidades lo tomó del troso, lo elevó y lo soltó, el otro también lo quiso atacar y Creamer hizo lo mismo.

Una pelea que no fue detenida, pues sólo estaban ellos tres en la zona.

Empujones, golpes y arañazos era lo que había.

Coffee Creamer desquitaba su ira en ellos, terminando en uno siendo acorralado en el piso de césped mientras el otro era levantado y puesto sobre el lago.

Los abusadores gritaban que se rendían, que se detuviera, que se irían a casa y que no le dirían a nadie, pero que los soltara.

Creamer apretó el agarre y dio un pequeño gruñido, aflojó el agarre del que estaba sobre el lago haciendo que gritaran más.


Creamer todavía molesto, pero no tentó como antes lo vio.

Vio como se retorcía y gritaba que se detuviera, vio al chico que acorraló con sus extremidades diciendo que parara, después vio el lago y vio a Nightmare en vez de su reflejo.

Recuerdos de él agrediendo a su papá azotaron su mente.

Asustado retrocedió, dejó caer al chico y liberó al otro.

Ambos se fueron apenas sintieron libertad.

Creamer se quedó en shock.

Miró al lago de nuevo, pero está vez era él, no Nightmare.

Su respiración continuó siendo agitada.

No, él no era como Nightmare, no iba a ser como Nightmare.

Respiró profundo hasta calmarse y vio aquel nido destrozado.

Triste fue, tomó el cadáver de la pata y la puso junto a lo que quedaba de sus huevos, arrancó algunas flores, las dejó ahí y se fue.

Caminó aguantando las lágrimas mientras pensaba en una forma de justificar su tardanza a Ccino.


Estos chicos evitaron acercarse a Creamer por todos los medios posibles, incluso les dijeron a los demás lo que él les hizo llegando a oídos de los profesores, pero nadie les hizo caso pues eran ellos lo que agredían y le robaban a los demás contra el chico que no le hacía nada a nadie.

Algo que solo quedó en un rumor y solo duró un poco menos de una semana.




Warning: mention of domestic abuse, animal abuse and aggression.

Ccino discovered how difficult it can be to care for a child when his little one arrived.

Financially, mentally and physically.

Waking up in the wee hours of the morning because he's hungry, a nightmare or his diaper.

Even when Nightmare came, he didn't do anything so he ended up being more of a single parent, but that didn't stop him, he tried to be the best dad he could for his son.

He didn't let him lack clothes, food, education and a home.

But he failed at something that was sadly out of his hands.

Every time Nightmare came it was to make him miserable, both physically and mentally.

He would come only to feed on his tragedy, sadness and despair, only to leave and not return for months.

Moments that Ccino could not avoid, but fought to keep his little boy from seeing.

He tried lying to him saying it was a game or getting him to sleep early with earplugs in his ears, but nothing was enough.

Creamer would end up finding them.

Tears would come out of his little eyes and he would try to defend his daddy by trying to get Nightmare to stop, cries that were never heard by the dark being

A scene that was repeated for years.

One day, after another tragic session that Nightmare generated to feed himself, Creamer was left clinging to Ccino, hugging him and crying with helplessness for not being able to stop him.

Being just a bystander to the torture of his dad.

Being so angry, sad and helpless he cried out:

"-I hate him! I hate him so much!-"

He hugged Ccino tighter and said:

"-Daddy, I promise and swear NEVER to be like him!-"

Ccino just hugged him and kissed his head while he felt part of his clothes getting wet from his son's tears.


Creamer worked hard to pass his courses and that led him to be one of the best in his classroom.

With an exceptional average and good behavior he became known among the teachers.

Some classmates didn't like that and laughed at him being the teachers' pet, but he didn't listen to them, he thought more about finishing his homework so he could prepare for exams than about them.

One day while walking on his way home he decided to take a little detour for a walk.

That brought him to a lake, he peeked out a little and could see some of the fish, he smiled and continued on his way, but stopped when he saw a bush that looked a little strange.

It looked like it had more branches than leaves, but these leaves were not evenly distributed, they looked like they were plucked on purpose, whoever did it didn't seem to be a good gardener, being a little crowded place he just walked over and saw.


That whole clump of branches was a nest and those leaves were a poor attempt at disguise.

Seven eggs hiding near the lake, most likely from a duck.

He just went away and left them there.

The next day he came back and wanted to peek out, but this time there was the mother of those eggs, who didn't hesitate to flap her wings and run towards Creamer to scare him away, he just backed away and left.

The next day he arrived with a small bag of seeds that he bought with his savings, the duck again flapped, but this time Creamer gave her food, she saw the food for a moment and still kept trying to shoo it away so he just left.

He spent days going and trying to feed the duck, which with perseverance he succeeded in doing, now he could get closer, but not close enough to have any contact with the eggs, but he knew they were fine.

One day, his dismissal was later than planned, because the teacher wouldn't let them leave until he finished writing on the blackboard, so as soon as he left the school he went with a big smile to the lake while taking the bag of seeds out of his backpack, but when he arrived he saw two boys from his school near the bush.

Students from his same grade, but from another classroom, go around and pick on whoever they want, stealing pencils, lunches and money from some younger students.

"Maybe they're coming to admire the eggs" he said to herself, he wanted to convince himself of that.

But seeing their laughter and a choked squawk only made him drop the bag of seeds, giving away his presence.

There he could see.

That mangled bush, the eggs broken with some good sized stones and the duck with the twisted neck and battered body.

Coffee Creamer was horrified by what he saw.

-What are you doing here? Don't you have any books to read or something?-

Creamer just kept looking at the remains of the animal while noticing how on the foot of one of them there were egg remains and some blood.

-Hey, I'm talking to you.-

Creamer saw him and answered.

-Why? It was just a duck with its eggs, why did you do this?-

-Why? Well, I wanted to see its eggs and it stung my legs, I just wanted to see and it attacked me-

-It was a mom protecting her childrens-

-It's just an animal, it's okay, besides, it wasn't very strong, maybe if it wasn't us some other predator would have done it, you know, the cycle of life-

-No! In the cycle of life the predator hunts for survival.-

- Oh come on, anyway, if she couldn't handle this, much less a predator.-

-You both and her one!-

-So? Life is never fair!-

The argument got louder and louder where it got to the point where they pushed Creamer to the ground.

-They weren't going to live long anyway- shouted one.

-And you'd better not tell anyone or else we'll make your life hell- added the other.

They knew their parents wouldn't hesitate to send them to a correctional facility if they found out, they couldn't risk it.

Coffee Creamer looked at the floor.

He thought about how he wanted so badly to one day arrive, see only the shell, look at the lake and see Mama Duck with her ducklings leave, an image that would remain only in his mind because they destroyed them.

They kept shouting at him, but he didn't respond, he wasn't even paying attention to them.

His heartbeat accelerated, he felt his blood burning, he was upset about what they did, but their absurd attempts to justify themselves made him furious.

He got up from the floor and saw them, they didn't seem affected by what they did, there was no regret, they were just yelling at him to leave and not to talk about what happened.

Creamer just clenched his fists.

One of the boys approached to push him again, but was interrupted by a tentacle that knocked him down.

The companion, annoyed, approached him raising his fist with the intention of attacking him, but another tentacle knocked him down.

While the other one got up and gave him a blow, Creamer looked at him angrily and one of his limbs grabbed him from the threesome, lifted him up and let him go, the other one also wanted to attack him and Creamer did the same.

A fight that was not stopped, as there were only the three of them in the area.

Pushing, punching and scratching was all there was.

Coffee Creamer took his anger out on them, ending in one being cornered on the grassy floor while the other was picked up and put on the lake.

The abusers were screaming that they were giving up, to stop, that they would go home and not tell anyone, but to let them go.

Creamer tightened his grip and gave a small grunt, he loosened his grip on the one over the lake causing them to scream more.


Creamer still annoyed, but not tempted as he saw it before.

He saw him squirming and screaming for him to stop, saw the boy he cornered with his limbs telling him to stop, then saw the lake and saw Nightmare instead of his reflection.

Memories of him assaulting his dad whipped through his mind.

Frightened he stepped back, dropped the boy and released the other.

They both left as soon as they felt freedom.

Creamer was shocked.

He looked at the lake again, but this time it was him, not Nightmare.

His breathing continued to be labored.

No, he wasn't like Nightmare, he wasn't going to be like Nightmare.

He took a deep breath until he calmed down and saw that shattered nest.

Sad he went, took the carcass of the duck and put it next to what was left of its eggs, plucked some flowers, left them there and left.

He walked holding back tears as he thought of a way to justify his tardiness to Ccino.


These boys avoided approaching Creamer by all means possible, they even told the others what he did to them reaching the ears of the teachers, but no one paid any attention to them as they were the ones who assaulted and stole from the others against the boy who did nothing to anyone.

Something that only remained a rumor and only lasted a little less than a week.



You're stories are always so good!!

You always do so good with getting their characters and story! This is 100% how creamer feels about his relationship with his father.

That poor duck though. Dam those kids.

Anonymous asked:

Does Coffee Creamer have any friends? Partners?

Does he have a sweet tooth or he prefers coffee black?

Coffee Creamer "yes"

"As for partners? "

I haven't actually drawin them all together before. But here we go! The poly circle creamer is part of.

As I mentioned before creamer is Aro, but he has some datemates. Others in the circle are in more serious relationships with others though.

Creamer and Enigma are by me

Exe and xylo are by @iam-bluescreen

Nova is by @digitalvoidheart


Gayfish holy heck

Your last post... dude

So many emotions like

Coffee Creamer being a cute baby demon

New ship that I already love + a possible poly

That is too much im overdosed with so much content of quality in one post

Like, Nightmare and Dream being eldritch gods and using mortal beings to have their cute little offsprings. Man.

Also NM chose right.Ccino is a very caring dada (also Ccino simping in that panel is such a mood lol NM why do you have to be so hot-)

And of course oreo boy being soff oreo boy. Ccino deserves someone as caring and tender as Cross is. I didnt actually shipped them until now. I cant stop thinking about them and its your fault.

Cross have a pretty regular family. Its him, his boyfriend, his boyfriends eldritch demigod kid and maybe the eldritch demigod kid parent follower.

Still thinking Creamer puked on Killer in that last panel.

Gayfish u are spoiling us with such content



Thank you acccc

I am very glad to know you like the new au concept! The idea lived rent free in my head for a while XD

The most frightening parents have the cutest babies XD hahaha probably one of my favourite tropes tbhhh

Original cross jakei95

Original ccino belongs to black-nyanko


Demon babyyy

New au new auuuuu

Oh yes, this was inspired by The baby in yellow game! And I love it.

We have Cross, who falls head over heals in love with Ccino, a barista. Ccino says he has a son, but Cross is cool with that! Just turns out that Creamer is a special baby.

Nightmare and Dream are powerful chaos gods. They are completely genderfluid, as they don't have a real one.

Inspired by the king in yellow and cthulhu

Nightmare decided that they wished to have a child, so travelled to earth to seek out a father or mother. They came down in a human form and they choose Ccino.

The two only had one date, which ended up with Ccino getting delivered Creamer 9 months later.

Ccino was very overwhelmed at first, but Nightmare made him promise to care for a raise the baby, stating:

“I chose you for a reason”

Perhaps Cross was crazy, but in the time he’d know Ccino, he’d come to really like him, and didn’t let the power of Creamer scare him away.

Even if Creamer didn’t like him so much.

As for Killer, he is part of a group that worships Nightmare, or who they call 'The dark one'

For the most part they are pretty harmless though. I know that groups like this in real life are more serious, I'm not trying to make light of it, this au just isn't meant to be taken to seriously.

Killer and Cross work together, and one day Cross shares his woes about the baby. Killer is veryyyyyy interested.

In order to meet Creamer he gets a job as his baby sitter, and also helps Cross with spells, charms and symbols to control the dangerous outbursts.

Possible Cross x Ccino X Killer????? Hmmm

Well that's all I have for now hehe!

Original cross jakei95

Original ccino belongs to black-nyanko

Original nightmare and dream by jokublog

Original killer belongs to rahafwabas


Happy pride month!

Coming in late but I made it!! YAYYYYY

Happy pride month with my boi!! proud Aromantic Pansexual. YES my son mamma is so proud!!

I love his new look hereeeee


Remember to be kind this pride, and even if you are still figuring things out, remember that you have all the time in the world to figure out how to be you :)

Coffeecreamer by me :)


Coffee Creamer: ship kid ref!

"So that will be a caramel latte with Soy milk? ....... what about my father... what do you know?"

Name: Coffee Creamer Gaster

Gender: Cis Male (gender non conformist when it comes to clothes and lifestyle)

Sexualty: pansexual Aromatic (open to platonic life partners)

Parents: Nightmare ('incubator'/ father) Ccino (Dad)

Nicknames: Creamer, Cc

Pet peeves: Karen's, Karen's and Karen's, people mis-gendering him on purpose, his own tentacles.


Commissions open!

Current slots open 2 /2.

Soooooo yesss, its time I opened commissions!

I'm not expecting this to be extremely popular, but just in case I wouldn't wanna do anymore then 2 at a time.

My work is a bit un predictable sometimes, so I wanna do this too!

Though dw, I'll still be drawing plenty of my own projects as well!

please read the rules and DM me if interested! Thank you!!

Also yall are getting a sneak peak of Creamer's new look. Aren't you lucky. ;)

Also just in case, anyone can't make out what the sheet says.


Peppermint hot chocolate

A continuation from this series

I just find it fun to design him outfits based odd of drinks! and I feel like I might make it a proper series!

For this one I chose a peppermint hot chocolate and I think its the perfect way to kick off this Christmas season.

Got my proper Christmas special in the works! This is just a little bonus to ya lovely people.

Coffeecreamer by me


Pumpkin Spice and all things nice.

Oh yess! It's autumn which means the season of the pumpkin spiced latte.

PS isn't so much of a big deal over here as it is in other countries Buttt that's not gonna stop me from drawing my baby in cute clothes.

As I've mentioned before CoffeeCreamer is complete gender non-conformist, so he doesn't see clothes as gendered. So yes he is wearing a skirt, and yes he is rocking it.

Forgive me but I have not drawn a skirt in a very long time XD so I hope it looks good.


Pride flag doodles

I wanted to doodle some of my characters and cream as well with their pride flags

I don't think I ever told you guys that Coffee Creamer is Aromantic, but yeah. Though he's in a polyamorous relationship with his platonic life partners.

Also when I drew Killer I drew two versions of the polyamorous flag on him, after kotikaleos comic.

Hope you all like it

Happy pride month

Original cross and dream belong to jakei95 and jokublog

Studio verse killer by @zu-is-here

All other characters by me

Thanks! ♥️

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