so in LOTR’s appendices it says that legolas eventually builds a boat and takes gimli across the seas and into the west, the gray havens. you know, the place arwen isn’t allowed to go because she’s in love with a human dude bUT LEGOLAS (AKA ‘YOU LITTLE SHIT’) JUST SAYS “FUCK IT” AND SNEAKS GIMLI INTO THE GODDAMN UNDYING LANDS LIKE CONTRABAND TWIZZLERS INTO A MOVIE THEATER
best literary analysis ever
She's like the little sister I never wanted.
i aspire to have a friendship like theirs
castle meme → four friendships [2/4] javier esposito & kevin ryan
Literally the best bromance to ever bromance
I have a lot of feels about turk and jd. Yeah they were both straight but they loved each other and it never was a “no homo” thing. It got pretty homo at times and they embraced it and it didn’t matter. The joke wasn’t that they were gay, it wasn’t even a joke. They had serious friend love for each other and showed it in healthy ways. It showed cis men that were compassionate for each other in a positive way(yeah it got goofy at times but it was a comedy)
Sorry I love scrubs.
I don’t love Scrubs
I love this
"Hey, look who’s back from paternity leave. So how’s Sarah Grace?"
Best of Crowley ★ Banter with Bobby (part 1).
Nothing could have prepared me for a Dalaric reunion. NOTHING.