True love is not only kissing and saying I love you. It includes sacrifice, accountability and heroism. It is when you love each other but you don’t think of yourself. But you consider the greater good. When you have love and losing something so precious is painful but you still make the sacrifice because you are doing it for the world. It comes first. You say good bye even though your heart is breaking. You do what you have to do to protect innocents. You give each other strength and courage to carry on and be true to your beliefs.
Diana and Clark/Kal embodies this kind of love in every way. It is not many couples who has faced these kinds of situations together as best friends and or lovers. Diana deserves Clark’s love and he is worthy of her. Over the years they have earned this love by enduring hard situations. It’s not been given to them on a platter nor was it ever easy.
DC might try to use weak excuses to keep them apart but it’s here in the narrative for all to see. As Charles Soule says...this love is real.