One of the best scenes Disney ever animated.
Ernest Hemingway, The Complete Short Stories (via wordsnquotes)
“Love compels us to do things for others that they can do themselves”
Gtfo, done with him.
“I think the most common misconception is that Shakespeare is something for the academics. If he were around today, it would have been something that really upset him because Shakespeare and a lot of contemporaries weren’t academics. He was a glove-maker from rural Stratford in England where he didn’t have the same opportunities like a lot of contemporaries, and yet, he rose to success because he was a man of the people. He gave the common man a voice. Before Shakespeare, most of the plays were concerned with the aristocracy, with the privileged, with royalty. And what Shakespeare also represented to the people, he tried to give voice to the lower classes and, also very importantly, to women. Some of the best characters in the Shakespeare plays are the women. Lady Macbeth, for one, is an absolute powerhouse.” — Laurie Davidson for TNT’s Will
@ me at every restaurant
Joseph Campbell
The best “hello, sweetie” in the Hello, Sweetie catalogue.
Did you notice I’ve been ashamed all my life? I’ve been playing games.