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Sharing fannish enthusiasm! Always Heidi. Usually with an 8. Keep Calm and Carry Wands, Bring Mountain Ash, Hail the Glow Cloud, Play Yellow Car, Defy Gravity, TXT Sherlock, Avoid Nightlock, Grab the Salt, Go For Schawarma, Be In the Room Where it Happens, Know Everything Is Fine, Bring Back Some Oranges, Don't Blink... and call me maybe? Fan of pink, fanvids, crossovers and popcorn. Frequently traveling.

Reblog if you're okay with AUs


Of 2025 in general?


The Signs as Hamiltunes (Act I):

Aries: Non-Stop

Taurus: You’ll Be Back 

Gemini: My Shot

Cancer: The Schuyler Sisters

Leo: You’ll Be Back

Virgo: Right Hand Man 

Libra: Aaron Burr, Sir

Scorpio: Satisfied

Sagittarius: The Story Of Tonight / (Reprise)

Capricorn: Guns And Ships

Aquarius: Alexander Hamilton

Pisces: Helpless


The irony of Capricorn (which Hamilton was) being Guns & Ships (which he isn’t in) is amusing.


The Signs as Hamiltunes (Act I):

Aries: Non-Stop

Taurus: You’ll Be Back 

Gemini: My Shot

Cancer: The Schuyler Sisters

Leo: You’ll Be Back

Virgo: Right Hand Man 

Libra: Aaron Burr, Sir

Scorpio: Satisfied

Sagittarius: The Story Of Tonight / (Reprise)

Capricorn: Guns And Ships

Aquarius: Alexander Hamilton

Pisces: Helpless


The irony of Capricorn (which Hamilton was) being Guns & Ships (which he isn’t in) is amusing.


I know it's ~cringe~ and unacceptable, but a lot of voters are very much on board with "I love my country and want to make it better even though it's done some bad shit" moreso than any kind of active denigration and hatred of the country, and the former is more positive and effective. And I think that's what's helping Kamala a lot, in spite of the twitterati and punditariat. People want to not feel exhausted and drained and hopeless about the future.


Remember this from 4 years ago?

We’ve been stuck at 99% uninstalled for the last four years.

If you want to uninstall him completely, so he can go through the sentencing phase and a couple of other criminal trials, vote today if you haven’t already, and vote for Kamala Harris.

And if you’re in Florida, please also vote. Yes, on three and four, and against Rick Scott. 


i will literally never forget the senior year of my american politics degree. our professor did a show of hands for who was going to vote in the election and i was one of 4 people in a 60 person class that raised mine. “both candidate were bad” and it didn’t matter because we were in a blue state anyway, right? the day after the election, the little brother of a friend got called a racial epithet and beat up at school. it was the first incident of that kind in that school in years–the first of many since. my friend didn’t vote in that election. both candidates were bad, after all.

i think what she didn’t get, what most people don’t get is that voting isn’t about you. it isn’t. it’s about the society we’re trying to have here, the society you are a part of no matter how nihilistic you think you are. you’re never too good for kindness. this is the most basic test of that.

so i’m begging you: vote for people that don’t have a vote because they got illegally purged from voter rolls. vote for the environment. vote for kids that are going to have to deal with this stuff for the next 80 years. vote for the lgbt community. vote because it’s better than nothing. vote because if you don’t and then you turn around and complain about anything wrong with this country, you’ve given up your best shot at doing a goddamn thing about it. if nothing else, vote for spite. vote to scare them. here’s a post that has every piece of information you need to vote tomorrow. please do it. it’s not about you or about your single vote making a difference. it’s about caring enough for the weak and underrepresented in this society enough to do your best by them. 

you have to at least try.


You have to at least try.


Take that, Akin.


When you go to vote, don’t just choose a president - make sure you choose candidates for House and statehouse and local elections (and Senate if your state has an election for that this year). All levels of government matter!

(Sorry, non-US-ians, for all the US political stuff this time of year, but…)

From 2012 and now more than ever.


A friendly reminder to USians: if you are planning to vote on Election Day, your mantra is "Nothing I see today convinces me not to go vote."

Exit polls suggest DT cannot be caught? YOU STILL GO VOTE.

Exit polls suggest KH has it in the bag? YOU STILL GO VOTE.

Pundits are saying the country is swinging overwhelmingly red? YOU STILL GO VOTE.

Pundits are saying the country is swinging overwhelmingly blue? YOU STILL GO VOTE.

Polls can be misleading (intentionally or not). The methodology can be biased (or simply poor). Early results may not reflect what the full count will show. There may be a red mirage. NOTHING YOU SEE CONVINCES YOU NOT TO VOTE.

The biggest Democratic win in swing states means nothing if democrats don't turn out everywhere to keep the reliably blue states blue.

VOTE. Wear appropriate weather gear if you think you may have to stand in a line outside (coat, hat, gloves, umbrella, sunhat, whatever, you know where you live). Bring water and a snack and something to do (book, game on your phone, podcast and headphones, whatever, you know what you like). GO VOTE.



Thing Number Four

Plus, the Senate & House need to be blue no matter what.


someone explain the jewish holidays to me like i'm 5 years old

Purim: They tried to kill us, we survived. Let’s tell the story, wear silly costumes, and get wasted. (Optional: have a carnival or a play!)

Passover: They enslaved us, God freed us. Remember this via a big ceremony/feast and then don’t eat bread for a week. This is a big one; you’re going to have to clean your house and host all your relatives.

Tu B'Shevat: It’s Earth Day, let’s eat some fruit.

Simchas Torah: We read the entire Torah every year, and we got to the end! Let’s have a dance party and then start all over again!

Tisha B'Av: They destroyed our temples. That sucked.

Rosh HaShanah: Happy New Year! It’s time to ask (and grant) forgiveness for the wrongs done in the past year, pledge to do better, and wish for a sweet new year. And go to synagogue for HOURS.

Yom Kippur: Rosh HaShanah’s somber counterpart. God decides on this day your fate for the next year. Repent your sins, hope for forgiveness, and fast. (And go to synagogue for HOURS.)

Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Sukkot: Harvest festival! Sleep in a hut under the stars.

Shemini Atzeret: Man, I don’t even know?

Shavuot: God gave us the Torah! That was pretty nice of him.

Chanukah: They busted up our temple and tried to forcibly convert us. We responded with guerilla warfare. Let’s eat some fried food. Candles!

So basically the entire Jewish holiday calendar is giving the middle finger to death and high-fiving, with or without various combinations of prayer and foods.

Yup. Or as we say, “They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.”

thank you for the desc’s bcs they are beautiful and i am now educated

A handy table for everyone:

Y’all have no idea how happy it makes me to see my goyim followers reblogging this. Really. It means the world to me.

Oh SWEET, a table!


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. When I meet Thomas Jefferson, Im a compel him to include women in the sequel!”

yeah good luck with that

“You see by the papers, and I suppose by your letters also, how much your native state has been agitated by the question on the new Constitution. But that need not agitate you. The tender breasts of ladies were not formed for political convulsion; and the French ladies miscalculate much their own happiness when they wander from the true field of their influence into that of politicks.“ Thomas Jefferson to Angelica Schuyler Church, 21 September 1788
“You will preserve, from temper and inclination, the happy privilege of the ladies to leave to the rougher sex and to the newspapers their party squabbles and reproaches.” Thomas Jefferson to Angelica Schuyler Church, 24 May 1797
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