G1 My Little Pony comic #30 (1986) - My Little Pony Club Page
G1 My Little Pony comic #27 (1986), My Little Pony Club Page
G1 My Little Pony comic #25, MLP Club Page
heckyeahponyscans reblogged
My Little Pony club (UK), 1986
Comments: There was also a club in the US, but I don’t know if the same items were offered. I have a feeling they weren’t.
Love the artwork here.
My Little Pony comic #1, "A Special Present" Melody, Thistle, and Rosebud. The UK comics often had a page where readers could send in their own pony designs or story requests. (After some pondering, I've decided to blur the names of the kids sending input, as it's one thing to send your name to a comic book in the 80s and another to have your name plastered across the internet for all of time in the year 2012.)