Thrift store friends
Someone asked how big she is . . . About 12 inches tall :)
Found my new best friend at the thrift shop
Cats like you, you know, are very freedom-loving and love to play and sleep. Ron ron. But... there is a limit to everything! You will make friends with someone born under the sign of the Field Mouse.
[I don't know what ron ron means, maybe it indicates a cat purring?]
More pics from last night's romp.
Since the kitten had just got back from being spayed, I was just relieved she was romping with a plushie instead of trying to wrestle my 15 pound adult cat.
MLP zodiac
January ~ Cat
Niente male come mese! Inizia in modo molto brillante e felice, cala verso la metà e risale verso la fine! Tutto va super-bene perché sei un gatto molto ottimista. La pianta del mese è il GINEPRO: porta fortuna in viaggio!
Not bad as a month! It starts in a very bright and happy way, it goes down towards the middle and goes back towards the end! Everything is super good because you are a very optimistic cat. The plant of the month is the JUNIPER: it brings good luck on the go!
I was going through some of my old tags and I thought, yeah, this is getting a reblog.