i think at the end of the day, everyone has come to this is one way or another because of the things we want to experience, to have, to feel and see in our lives, in the world around us. but do not forget “yourself”
the you that is playing the role of [insert your name here lol]
sometimes we are so focused on the outside, and so swamped by the hard emotions that may accompany that
maybe you struggle with anxiety or other mental health issues, maybe youre disappointed with the society in which you live, maybe you really dislike a lot of things about your experience, even hate them
but we forget that within all of this, while focusing so much on how to change the world around us, we could easily change ourselves too using these same methods
imagine yourself without so many anxieties, or see yourself in harmony with your surroundings, etc etc
maybe if youve refused to do this until now, that’s why youre still here
because sometimes we can manage the world to budge, but if you still refuse to, still complaining about the same things or seeing the world in the same painful way, well you’ll never escape that because it lives within you, and thats, of course, the real you
maybe start with yourself for a change, and those more painful feelings you havent been able to shake. stop trying to force in love, when youre still so full of hate. trying to force in abundance, when you cling to scarcity. trying to force in happiness, when youre addicted to melancholy. etc etc
instead, dare to be different. dare to focus on changing YOU, before anything else. who are you being?
if you can still relate to yourself from the past, the you from all these years pasts that youve merely survived and haven’t truly lived, that’s your sign for why youre still stuck
the past you should feel like a ghost, a long ago memory, a past life, another dream
and if doesn’t, if you can still deeply relate to the you who youve tried to escape, thats why youre still here, reading, wondering, and trying.
if youre someone who loves to read about how you dont really need to change, you just need to do this or that thing and it’ll all change for you, and it still hasnt. well… maybe this is your sign to finally do what you’ve avoided.
or continue wondering, waiting, trying…