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"Your imagination is you yourself, and the world as your imagination sees it is the real world." - Neville Goddard

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frankly, this blog is mostly for me. i use this as my unconditional space to note down realizations, thoughts and quotes that inspire me. take what makes sense to you. i don't claim that my posts are the only truth, but they are my truth, at least for a given moment.


The more I think of it, the flimsier the idea of identity really is. There is this deep-seated uncertainty about who we each are; an uncomfortable vacuum that we seek to cover up with attributes we think we have, so that we have something to point to and say "That's what I am." Maybe it's our horoscope, or our ancestors, or our interestes, or our idiosyncrasies, our bodies, our beliefs, our actions, our pasts, our imagined futures -- all of it is vapor. It is vapor because it's impermanent and therefore does not provide the stable conception of identity that would ease our doubts. And we run around trying to do things to prove we exist, and to leave a "legacy," to leave evidence that we existed after our bodies end. There is a common fear of "being forgotten" ...but why? Like, approach this question as if you have no belief system and have not heard anyone else's ideas about it before. What is it like to experience being "you" in this moment? What about your experience is NOT a changing, fluctuating phenomena?

What are you?


When your mind feels completely stuck or trapped in a cycle, you could ask yourself 'Can I allow myself to see it in another way?' without forcing any particular change in thought. Just asking that open-ended question allows you to take a step back and it softens the charge, it takes you back to neutral ground. Suddenly you are reminded that it can be seen in a different way, it doesn't have to be the same way you had always thought of it, thinking it was something fixed. You're reminded that you have a choice, in fact you always have a choice in how you see something and you can choose to see it how you want. Remind yourself of that freedom and allow it to be.


sweet daily rituals for a calm life 🕊️

+ morning coffee or tea ritual: start your day with a carefully prepared cup of coffee or tea, and if you can, enjoy it slowly somewhere cosy, with a book or soft music in the background.

+ journalling ritual: whether it's morning pages or an end-of-day debrief, consider free-flow journalling to unclog your thoughts, face any problems, and deal with your emotions.

+ skincare ritual: develop a luxurious skincare routine, slowing down to pay real attention and care to your body. consider adding in lymphatic massage, too.

+ mindful cooking: allow cooking to be a meditative process, taking time to choose fresh, seasonal ingredients, explore new recipes, and enjoy the hands-on experience of being in the kitchen. set the table with care, even for simple meals, using beautiful dishes and linens.

+ midday break: decompress and take a quiet break in the middle of the day, perhaps with a short walk through a nearby park or a few minutes of journaling. pause and reflect on how you are feeling and how you want to feel for the rest of the day.

+ afternoon tea or snack: enjoy a piece of dark chocolate, some fresh fruit, delicious cheese, or a small pastry, served on a delicate tray or vintage plate, for a moment of indulgence.

+ evening wind-down: in the evening, unwind with a bath or hot shower, surrounded by soft candlelight and soothing music, followed by changing into comfortable, elegant loungewear or pyjamas. this could be a time for reading, listening to music, spending time with your partner, or enjoying a classic film.

+ home care: pay daily attention to your living space and cultivate a serene and inviting atmosphere by tidying up, clearing away clutter, arranging fresh flowers, and lighting a candle or two.

+ gratitude practice: take a few moments for reflection and gratitude, appreciating the small, beautiful moments that made your day special.

Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose!

Bob Proctor

You must be convinced that you can alter your beliefs. You must be willing to try. Think of a limiting idea as a muddy color and your life as a multidimensional painting that is marred. You can change the idea as an artist would his palette. The artist does not identify with the colors he uses. He knows he chooses them, and applies them with a brush. So you paint your reality with your ideas in the same manner. You are not your ideas, nor even your thoughts. You are the self who experiences them. If a painter finds his hands stained with pigment at the end of a day, he can wash the stain off easily, knowing its nature. If you think that limiting thoughts are a portion of you, permanently attached therefore, you will not think of washing them off. You would behave instead like a mad artist who says, "My paints are a part of me. They have stained my fingers, and there is nothing I can do about them."

Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts), The Nature of Personal Reality


at any moment all possibilities exist and you're always choosing either 100% belief in the ease of your desire's presence in your life or resistance.

all of the reasons why you can't have your desires are valid part of infinite field of possibilities. but so are all the reasons why you can have it. it all can be true. you make it true through your attention and belief. so what are you choosing?

Now here is something to always bear in mind. You cannot put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments. That is, you cannot take with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man. All of your present beliefs, fears, and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness. If you would transcend this level you must leave behind all that is now your present self, or conception of yourself.

Neville Goddard, At Your Command


do not forget “yourself”

i think at the end of the day, everyone has come to this is one way or another because of the things we want to experience, to have, to feel and see in our lives, in the world around us. but do not forget “yourself”

the you that is playing the role of [insert your name here lol]

sometimes we are so focused on the outside, and so swamped by the hard emotions that may accompany that

maybe you struggle with anxiety or other mental health issues, maybe youre disappointed with the society in which you live, maybe you really dislike a lot of things about your experience, even hate them

but we forget that within all of this, while focusing so much on how to change the world around us, we could easily change ourselves too using these same methods

imagine yourself without so many anxieties, or see yourself in harmony with your surroundings, etc etc

maybe if youve refused to do this until now, that’s why youre still here

because sometimes we can manage the world to budge, but if you still refuse to, still complaining about the same things or seeing the world in the same painful way, well you’ll never escape that because it lives within you, and thats, of course, the real you

maybe start with yourself for a change, and those more painful feelings you havent been able to shake. stop trying to force in love, when youre still so full of hate. trying to force in abundance, when you cling to scarcity. trying to force in happiness, when youre addicted to melancholy. etc etc

instead, dare to be different. dare to focus on changing YOU, before anything else. who are you being?

if you can still relate to yourself from the past, the you from all these years pasts that youve merely survived and haven’t truly lived, that’s your sign for why youre still stuck

the past you should feel like a ghost, a long ago memory, a past life, another dream

and if doesn’t, if you can still deeply relate to the you who youve tried to escape, thats why youre still here, reading, wondering, and trying.

if youre someone who loves to read about how you dont really need to change, you just need to do this or that thing and it’ll all change for you, and it still hasnt. well… maybe this is your sign to finally do what you’ve avoided.

or continue wondering, waiting, trying…

xo, dream 🦢🫧


have any of yall read ‘a course in miracles’ ? thoughts? ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


i wanted to and tried but i ended up dnfing it pretty early on. i feel like some quotes and concepts from there really hit the spot, but then there were lots of portions that i didn't resonate with. at least not in the way they were expressed.

what are your thoughts, dream? have you read it or are you thinking about it? 😊

ooooh, okay. i kinda attempted to read it a few years ago, i think i read like a page or two though 😅 i found it too wordy for my liking at the time dkdkdkd

but ive been wondering if it’d be worthwhile to give it another shot now that its years later!

thanks for sharing your thoughts! <3

so very similar experience heh. and i appreciate you too! 🫶🥰


have any of yall read ‘a course in miracles’ ? thoughts? ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


i wanted to and tried but i ended up dnfing it pretty early on. i feel like some quotes and concepts from there really hit the spot, but then there were lots of portions that i didn't resonate with. at least not in the way they were expressed.

what are your thoughts, dream? have you read it or are you thinking about it? 😊


everything is imaginative. all of your reasons for feeling like a failure, all of your reasons for feeling like a success. all of your reasons for feeling like your life sucks, all of your reasons for feeling that your life is fantastic. all of your reasons for not having what you want, all of your reasons for having all of it.

everything is imaginative. everything is an assumption.

Experience is the product of the mind, the spirit, conscious thoughts and feelings, and unconscious thoughts and feelings. These together form the reality that you know. You are hardly at the mercy of a reality, therefore, that exists apart from yourself, or is thrust upon you. You are so intimately connected with the physical events composing your life that often you cannot distinguish between the seemingly material occurrences and the thoughts, expectations and desires that gave them birth.

Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts), The Nature of Personal Reality

If you assume that you are what you want to be your desire is fulfilled and, in fulfillment, all longing is neutralized. You cannot continue desiring what you have already realized. Your desire is not something you labor to fulfill, it is recognizing something you already possess. It is assuming the feeling of being that which you desire to be. Believing and being are one. The conceiver and his conception are one, therefore that which you conceive yourself to be can never be so far off as even to be near, for nearness implies separation.

Neville Goddard, Out of This World


an assumption

"And that assumption, though denied by your senses, – though the world would say it is false; if you persist in it, it will harden into fact." - Neville Goddard

your current physical world is an embodiment of current/past assumptions of yours. that is because your mind is/was filled with those assumptions. your mind is right now filled with a ton of assumptions. are you aware of them? are they serving you?

everything is an assumption and every assumption is a seed that can grow into a real and solid reality. you don't need any proof for your assumptions. the proof will follow. the proof is the result. the proof is the assumption solidified in you.

if you're living in a reality based on proofs, you're living only from your past limitations. you can assume something new. just because. and you can persist in this assumption. for yourself.

don't fear your own creations. they're all just assumptions. they all have a seed of realness in them because they all can grow into a whole reality. the good ones, the bad ones. now which will you choose? because you're always just assuming anyway.

an assumption = reality

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