heartattackles reblogged
heartattackles reblogged
dean winchester? my small bisexual son? yes i’m very proud of him thank you for asking
Everybody wants a second chance, right?
heartattackles reblogged
dean winchester is turning 36 this saturday. he was 26 when we met him.
heartattackles reblogged
7.19 Of Grave Importance || Favorite caps of Dean Winchester 42/100
heartattackles reblogged
Dean + Sass
Requested by make-room-for-castiel
heartattackles reblogged
I get it. That was your story. Look man, I got one of those too. Okay, but those stories we tell that keep us going, sometimes they blind us. They take us to dark places.
my otp is dean x self-love
Dean + Star Wars
dean+season nine