the latest in the lois-gets-her-art-stolen chronicles: a chilean publisher has decided to take this artwork, drag it through photoshop hell, and use it as a cover for this book, obviously without permission or compensation of any kind. not only is it copyright infringement but making book covers this ugly should be outlawed too.
anyways, i went through this before when i found my art printed on sweaters in south korea. i talked to a few different lawyers at the time, who told me that i needed a lawyer in the actual country that the theft was taking place. sending threatening letters from the netherlands just wasn’t the way to be taken seriously or get things solved. because i never found out who was making those korean sweaters, i decided to give up fighting after they were removed from the korean web-shops - it just wasn’t worth the money i would have to invest in pursuing it.
however, this time around i actually do know who the thief is (Puerto de Escape in Chile) and i intend to go after them. however, i need someone who is familiar with chilean law and ideally could hook me up with a lawyer in chile to help me out and give advice. i could also use advice from anyone familiar with these situations and how they can be resolved. if you guys could spread the word and e-mail me at [email protected] with any information, that would help me SO much! thanks a ton for reading!!