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Quillology With Haya

@hayatheauthor /

A writing advice blog for authors, by authors ✍️ Find me on TikTok and Insta: @hayatheauthor WIP: The Traitor's Throne | YA fantasy 🪄
Published: Cremated Chains | Thriller
Who Is The Author?

I am Haya, a teenage YA author. I wrote my first novel, Cremated Chains, when I was 15 and am currently querying my second book.

I am an active member of the Booktok and Bookstagram communities where I post engaging content about my writing journey and WIP The Traitor's Throne (@hayatheauthor) and the author of 'Quillology' where I pen writing advice blogs to help my fellow writers out.

Blogs Updates Every Monday And Thursday!
  • Writing advice
  • Writing tools, tips and tricks
  • How to query like a pro
  • Character-based advice
  • Publishing advice
  • Genre-based advice

Copyright © 2022 Haya S (you are not permissible to repost, recreate, translate or redistribute any of my works or blogs depicted on this account without permission by the author, Haya S)


Hello! I just found your blog and I love it!! How would I write a good protag's best friend character (or sidekick but not really) Much appreciated!!!

Thank you for the ask! Sorry it took me forever to get to it

How to Write a Protagonist’s Best Friend (Without Making Them a Sidekick!)

A great best friend character does more than just stand beside the protagonist, here are some tips to help you capture that:

What Makes a Best Friend Character Strong?

A well-written best friend character has qualities that make them stand out on their own. Here’s what sets them apart from a generic sidekick:

  • They Have Their Own Story – They shouldn’t exist just to serve the protagonist’s journey. Give them goals, conflicts, and motivations that intersect with the main plot but don’t revolve around the protagonist.
  • They Balance the Protagonist – A best friend should contrast the protagonist in meaningful ways. Maybe they challenge the protagonist’s worldview or complement their weaknesses with different strengths.
  • They Change Over Time – Just like the protagonist, they should grow. Their relationship with the protagonist should evolve based on the events of the story.

For example, in Percy Jackson, Grover is not just comic relief—he has his own mission (finding Pan, proving himself as a protector), and his strengths (resourcefulness, empathy) balance Percy’s impulsive nature.

What Role Should They Play in the Plot?

A best friend character shouldn’t just be there for emotional support—they should impact the story. Here are some ways to make sure they play a meaningful role:

  • Driving the Plot – Have them take actions that change the course of the story. Maybe they uncover crucial information, make a decision that alters the protagonist’s fate, or even become a source of conflict.
  • Acting as a Foil – A best friend often highlights the protagonist’s strengths and flaws through contrast. Are they more cautious while the protagonist is reckless? More idealistic, while the protagonist is cynical?
  • Having Moments of Leadership – The protagonist shouldn’t always be in charge. Let the best friend take the lead at times, making key choices that drive the story forward.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even well-meaning writers can accidentally flatten a best friend character. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Making Them One-Dimensional – If their entire personality is “supportive and loyal,” they’ll feel like a cardboard cutout. Give them flaws, ambitions, and struggles.
  • Using Them as a Plot Device – They shouldn’t just show up to deliver emotional support or conveniently solve problems for the protagonist. They need to have agency.
  • Forgetting Their Growth Arc – Just like the protagonist, they should be affected by the events of the story and change accordingly.

A common complaint about Ron Weasley’s character in later Harry Potter books is that he sometimes feels like just a sidekick, while Hermione and Harry have more direct influence on the plot. Had Ron been given more individual agency in key moments, his presence might have felt stronger.

How to Develop Their Relationship with the Protagonist

A strong friendship isn’t always smooth sailing. Consider:

  • Conflict & Tension – Friends fight. Maybe they disagree on how to handle a situation. Maybe one feels overshadowed by the other.
  • Moments of Distance – Do they ever drift apart? Are they forced into situations where they can’t rely on each other?
  • Loyalty vs. Individuality – The best friend doesn’t always have to be on the protagonist’s side. Maybe they make a choice that goes against the protagonist’s wishes.

Examples of Well-Written Best Friend Characters

Here are some standout best friend characters and what makes them strong:

  • Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings) – Sam is fiercely loyal, but he’s also stronger than Frodo in many ways. He makes tough calls, pushes Frodo forward, and carries both emotional and physical burdens.
  • Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows) – Inej is Kaz’s closest ally, but she doesn’t just follow him blindly. She has her own sense of morality, her own trauma, and her own dreams beyond him.
  • Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games) – Peeta isn’t just a love interest—he challenges Katniss emotionally and strategically, making choices that directly impact her fate.
  • Robin (Stranger Things) – Unlike the stereotypical “supportive best friend,” Robin has her own quirks, insecurities, and motivations that make her dynamic with Steve stand out.

These characters don’t just exist to assist the protagonist—they challenge them, change them, and make the story richer.

Tips to Make Your Best Friend Character Stand Out

Here are some practical ways to make sure your best friend character is strong and memorable:

Give them distinct personality traits – Don’t let them blend into the background. Make sure they have mannerisms, speech patterns, and habits that set them apart. ✅ Let them struggle – Just like the protagonist, they should face obstacles that force them to grow. ✅ Make them essential to the story – If you could remove them from the plot and nothing would change, they’re not well-integrated enough. ✅Let them ride solo – Just because they're friends doesn't mean they have to be glued to the hip the entire story! Maybe they get separated during a key arc, have a bit of tension that splits them (think Ron and Harry) or have different offices/schools/hobbies. ✅ Show their relationship evolving – Friendships aren’t static. The ups and downs should feel natural and meaningful.

Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 

Check out the rest of Quillology with Haya; a blog dedicated to writing and publishing tips for authors!


Please please please let it be the third one because eyebrow scars are so fucking hot I can't—

Thank you for tagging me my liege! I love this game, I actually have a wip prompt based on this lmfao💀

NPT: @cueloki @stilleobjection @societyfolklore @soulpiercing @theleavesofwesteros @zyra-7 (+ whoever wishes to participate, I'd love to learn more about everyone's lore<3)

I agree with you on the eyebrow scar.

And I'm betting the first one on urs....🤔

Ps: This is my first time trying this! Thanks for letting me join lmfaooo. I HAVE TO MAKE THIS WORTH IT!

@michellymy @hayatheauthor @strangergraphics and whomever wants to hope in!!! <3

This seems fun, thanks for the tag! My go-to two truths and a lie:

I'll edit the answer in once the poll ends

Anonymous asked:

Ramadan Kareem they just announced it in my region! I hope you have a wonderful month and an easy time fasting through the month <3

ramadan kareem to you too! today's the first fast here as well, i hope this month is easy for you too 💞


growing up poc is so funny to me because i know how cook dishes like butter chicken and kheer yet simultaneously burn white rice and pasta (from a can). i will wrap a saree perfectly but ask me to button up a corset and watch me study it for the next 20 minutes. i can apply multani mitti (clay) to my face yet breakout from shea butter. i will eat food with red chilis and spices everyday yet can barely swallow Italian herbs and thyme

we literally skipped to level 5 and have to relearn the other 4


turning 19 feels so much more intimidating than 18.

18 is fun, 18 is the start of adulthood where you fumble and make mistakes and cling to your teenage years. you can still reminisce about memories from your school life, your past self not forgotten as you enjoy all the privileges of adulthood while ignoring the serious side

19 is when people tell you to grow up, to think about college and work if you haven't already. your fumbles are no longer endearing but childish. longing mentions of your school life and teenage self are no longer reminiscent but redundant. any hesitance to abandon life as you know it is frowned upon, the consequences of your new freedom catching up to you.

and the entire time you can only think of how your 20s are around the corner--a quarter-life crisis in the making. Your twenties; a new decade, a new era. And you have one year to amount to something that sees a successful end to this past one.

it is daunting, but it is 19.

anyways im turning 19 in 4 days yall dk what i feel about it so i have blessed you with my random rambles lol

Anonymous asked:

HELLOOO I hope you're doing well this isn't really an ask but I just saw your full name and pfp so I just wanted to say hi to a fellow Arab/Muslim (?) writer it's nice to see there's others like me it's really encouraging <3 I love all the advice on your blog so thank you for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful day !! Also رمضان كريم if you celebrate !!

Thank you so much 💞 I'm Muslim but not Arab (afghani-indian) but it's so great to see a fellow Muslim writer! 🥰 تقبّل الله صيامكم ,رمضان مبارك

Anonymous asked:

can you write some tips on writing amnesia for a character? <3

Note: thank you for your ask! I'm sorry for replying so late I took a break from Tumblr for a bit.

In this guide, I'll be covering a balance of information on amnesia and how to write it. Some topics I mention are the types of amnesia, how they impact characterization, and how to write a believable portrayal of memory loss. I hope this blog is to your liking anon.

Anonymous asked:

are you homophobic?

i dont hate the community or anything but my religion doesn't allow it so it's not something i would support/endorse

my approach to the lgbt community is like my approach to people who drink or get tattoos or idk eat pork and other haram stuff; i dont really mind/care. they have their life i have mine, our beliefs are different and that's all.

i think hurting people (emotionally and physically) just because you are different is pretty hypocritical, people gotta learn how to coexist

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I just had a small question: Do you have any advice on writing a character with chronic illness/invisible disability? I’m feeling a little subconscious as I was told recently that someone didn’t think my character could be disabled as she’s “pretty” (a subjective trait).

Hi, I do have this post: but it's old and I'm unsure whether it covers invisible disability well enough.

i think presuming someone with a chronic illness/invisible disability should be ugly and unattractive is pretty...rude. and narrow minded. there's a difference between sickly and ugly, obviously don't make your character look like a runway model while they're in a hospital bed just maintain a balance.

what I would advise is: write them as you would anyone else but research your specific illness/disability and the different stages, etc. then look into how it affects people physically on each different stage. so for example if stage 3 causes balding and your character still has thick long hair just for the sake of having a pretty OC that would be something worth editing.

add in their emotional reaction to physical symptoms. if they're conventionally pretty following the above balding example you could talk about how losing their hair, a staple of their usual attractiveness, made them feel uncomfortable/insceure/not like themselves.

possibly unrelated but i had an eye operation as a kid and they snipped off my eyelashes and after the bandages came off my eyelashes were still growing. people used to say i had pretty eyes so no eyelashes me was like insecure and ashamed of losing a part of my pretty trait. i imagine that's similar to how someone would feel in the above scenario (prev para)

People feel free to reply with your input esp if you have personal experience


Hey!! :) Any tips for writing plot twists or the thing “everything was building up to”. The secret or hidden narrative the whole story has been following that’s to be revealed later?


Hi, I made this post about two years ago: it's old so idk how good the advice is but I think it covers what you're looking for, if it doesn't just lmk and I'll write something up :)

Anonymous asked:

you previously posted about being against ai art but recommended artbreeder. did you not know artbreeder is ai

hi, so i recommended artbreeder for authors who either have no means of getting a cover or for authors who arent going to use that art for commercial purposes and just want to visualise their characters. From what I remember I recommended it because there are many writers who cant afford to purchase art for their passion projects/wips and if there's a free resource that can help them out 'i don't see the issue in using it.'

The post you're referring to was made in 2023. During that time I wasn't aware of AI training off of stolen work thus the 'I don't see the issue in using it'. I learned about it mid-ish last year and haven't recommended AI sites since.

My posts back in 2023 were aimed at fellow teenage authors who might face financial hurdles when self publishing. AI wasn't my only solution, I also recommended other resources/ways to ethically get free art like picrew, getting free commissions by people from quotev/wattpad/devianart, or trying to make your own using canva, picsart, etc. which are ethical yet free. At the time I wasn't aware AI isn't an ethical resource to recommend.

Hope that clears up my stance

italics = added in after an edit, for clarification

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