this is what english teachers mean by poetry appreciation right?
[A white fortune cookie paper with blue text. Front: Happier days are definitely ahead for you. Lucky Numbers 2, 36, 21, 3, 49, 37 Back: January, Chinese text 一 (yī) 月 (yuè)]
(grabs you by the shoulders) you have to make room for new experiences in your life. you have to go through the unpleasant work of leaving your comfort zone, even if just for a few minutes at a time. because if you don't, your brain will trick you into stagnation. you will start to believe that the world can barely fit you in it. but that's not true. it's the opposite way around. you can fit the whole word inside of you. your task is only this: to welcome it with open arms
Phoenix (1947), dir. Keisuke Kinoshita
everything is a circle so we’ll be right back
Are You Coming? - Trina Teoh
Maggie Nelson, Bluets
forgive me lord for I have imagined a life far more soft and tender than the one you created for me
seeking, yearning, reaching hands