Diana Gabaldon after watching Sam Heughan’s audition tapes for the role of Jamie Fraser. (via outlander-starz)
Literally got goosebumps reading this.
Couldn't be in Los Angeles for our fan gathering or anxious to watch the coverage again? We've got you covered. Spend 1.5 glorious hours with the Q&A with Ro...
Rewatching this and I cannot even deal with it. Sam is the best, the best, the best! I love all of them!
The light was coming up from the east now, just a tinge of paler grey on the horizon, but enough to keep me from stumbling as Frank led me through a gap he had found in some alder bushes near the top of the path. There was a tiny clearing inside the clump of bushes, barely enough for the two of us to stand shoulder to shoulder. The path was clearly visible, though, and so was the interior of the stone circle, no more than twenty feet away.
The leader suddenly stopped, raised her arms and stepped into the centre of the circle. Raising her face towards the pair of easternmost stones, she called out in a high voice. Whatever the call was, it was echoed again by the dancers. For dancers they now became. Not touching, but with arms outstretched towards each other, they bobbed and weaved, still moving in a circle. Suddenly the circle split in half. Seven of the dancers moved clockwise, still in a circular motion. The others moved in the opposite direction. The two semicircles passed each other at increasing speeds, sometimes forming a complete circle, sometimes a double line. And in the centre, the leader stood stock-still, giving again and again that mournful high-pitched call, in a language long since dead.
Outlander || Chapter 2
Ugh I finished rereading the entire Outlander series today - after being at it for literally months - and I feel so sad now. AEITB really leaves you needing more, and I had originally timed this reread for a March MOBY release! Now I have to wait until June. And it's awful. Okay it's fine because it could be worse but ugh, still, I want it now.
Pictures of my outlander ring… It’s even got the inscription and everything :) I never take it off.
I do realize that this is the equivalent nerdiness of wearing a replica “one ring to rule them all” but I can’t help it. I just love the series too freaking.
Obsessed with this.
Here is my signed copy of *Voyager*
In my fit of Outlander love, I'm posting this pic of my darling brother losing with my book with Diana Gabaldon. I was unable to go to Dragon*Con this year to meet her, so I sent my book with my brother to get signed. Here they are. :)
DSM-IV Outlander Fixation
I'm starting to experience serious mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual discomfort when I try to accept the fact that I'm not getting a new Outlander book until 2013-ish. The Outlander series means more to me than Harry Potter. There, I said it. Like, way more. That being said, waiting for HP books (the 2 times that I did) was psychological torture. I stretched out my reading of the first 7 Outlander books as long as I possibly could, and I'm still stuck having to wait TWO FRICKIN YEARS. EVEN BETTER, I don't have ANYONE with whom to discuss Outlander. Not one person that I see or talk to regularly has read the books, and I'm probably going to have to start talking to my cat about them just to get my thoughts out. Sigh. This was just a momentary outburst. Carry on.
I'd rather be at Fraser's Ridge.
Dear Roger MacKenzie,
Stop getting taken prisoner. You're too handsome for all that business.
Love, Beth
In other news regarding *Outlander* taking over my life... This just happened, too. I thought my graphic novel adaptation career began and ended with *Pride & Prejudice*, dangit.
I am *dying* to read this. I don't want spoilers, though, so I'm trying to get through *Drums of Autumn* as quickly as possible, since that's as far as it covers. The suspense is killing me. I looked at the table of contents at Borders one day and saw that it even has astrological charts for Claire & Jamie. OMG. Diana Gabaldon, in the words of the Big Bopper, "you knoooowww what I like." Damn you, *Outlander*. You've hijacked my life. Nah, not really. I'm a serial fangirl; I live for this shit.