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harvest gold


Virgo with Aquarius rising. Wife, idealist, unapologetic cat person. I love Outlander, astrology, the 1970s, weight lifting, running, hiking, yoga, meditation, retro kitchens, the Pacific Northwest, crushing the patriarchy, and sticking it to the man.

Things you are missing if you don’t watch literary webseries

-Pedro and Balthazar flirting with cute New Zealand accents -Cute Whovian Cecily Cardew and Algernon Moncrieff’s angelic singing voice -Turtles -Asexual Beth March -Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen as housemates and best friends -Meg March and Joan Brooke falling in love -Lizzie Bennet’s mini costume dramas -Harriet Smith making one of the cutest romantic gestures for Robert Martin -Lesbian vampires, nosy journalists and a variety of attractive redheads -No really. All. The. Cute. Redheads. Flock. To. Webseries.

-Lots of cute Canadians

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