@hartshorn-and-isinglass on Tumblr

The Dark Modern Anachronist.

@hartshorn-and-isinglass /

An Account of The Strange and Cringey Adventures of one C. Marve Young (They/She, 40+), Chiefly Consisting of Complaints Regarding New England, The Trials of Re-Learning the Violin, and Historical Nerdery Centered Around the Modern Era. Occasional NSFW Content.

idk if it's just me but i'm glad that the majority of people outside of here believe tumblr is a dead site because like i've been here for 13 years and like this is my house??? i don't need thousands upon thousands of people flocking here it'd be like inviting chimps to a house party total fucking carnage

"people keep saying this house is haunted but ive been here for 200 years and havent seen a ghost!"


tumblr is, if anything, the Appalachia of social media...easy to get lost, sparsely populated, out of the loop with fast-moving modern trends. Attached to tradition. Close-knit communities. Believe in "talk shit, get hit." Everyone is doing their own thing in their own obscure little holler. Prone to pulling the most inventive turns of phrase you've ever heard out of nowhere. Somebody's always starting a racket. We sometimes repel outsiders with much aggression. Lots of talk about hell and damnation to be found. Everybody tends to forget about us for some reason

What is pirating media but the moonshining of the internet


@thebibliosphere is actually married to mothman

And we all know that if you see something, no you didn't.

Meaning cryptids but like, also cops.


Surprise! Tumblr just got turned into an epic fantasy RPG, just like [your favorite appropriate media franchise]. And the Tumblr RPG's plot needs to have all of its characters covered, in roles both large and small.

That means that you are assigned to a stereotypical RPG role inside our new fantasy world. Spin this wheel to find out what you are now doing for a living.


I wish I could have faith that this administration will self-destruct quickly before it can do most of the damage it wants to do but I'm not that optimistic. LOL at me subtweeting Senpai here. I expect a full four years of terribleness, whether 45 survives it or not, and I will do what I can to ease the terribleness for others, but I don't know how much I can do given what an uphill climb just getting settled in to this place has been.

Sigh. I think sometimes about how this move was such bad timing. Helluva time to be ripped away from what community I had and the patch of land that I was trying to bring back to life. It hurts to look at all the things I'm still going to have to give away just to fit into this apartment properly. And I keep catching everyone's germs out here even though I hardly go out at all and rarely go anywhere crowded. It feels like an unending struggle just to do the bare minimum for myself and this household.

Music really is the only thing that keeps me from absolutely losing my shit with all of this. I don't know how I managed to go for years without it. Sure, it's also caused me some problems, LOL. But on the balance... still probably doing more for me than detracting from things.


Oh, apparently my joints have decided to flare up, not my tender points. Awesome.

I'm not sure I can practice today either. Sewing has already been a bit dicey with my thumb joint deciding to Super Size itself.


*Nothing in Bram Stoker's research notes for Dracula indicates that the Count was based off of Vlad Dracula. In fact, nothing indicates that Stoker was aware of Vlad Dracula. Stoker originally planned to call his antagonist "Count Wampyr" before he noted that the Romanian word "dracula" meant "devil." (In Vlad Dracula's time, it meant "son of the dragon," but the meaning had since evolved.)

The current scholarly consensus is that Sir Henry Irving was the chief inspiration for Count Dracula. However, in the time before Stoker's notes were available, people understandably assumed that the fictional Romanian nobleman named Dracula who fought the Turks was based on the real Romanian nobleman named Dracula who fought the Turks. These days, it's common pop culture knowledge that "Dracula is Vlad the Impaler" and so much media portrays them as the same man that he kind of is Vlad the Impaler, no matter Stoker's intentions.


when i was 10 or so i was deathly afraid of vampires so i stole the garlic powder from my mom’s spice cabinet and kept it in my coat pocket and if i was out at night with like my parents and thought someone was acting really sus i’d try to surreptitiously sprinkle a lil garlic powder on them 

like imagine a weird little girl deciding you failed her vibe check and promptly seasoning you 

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