Landon Pigg // The Way It Ends
miley cyrus | jolene | (the backyard sessions)
why am i listening to the phantom of the opera soundtrack at 3:30am? what is happening to my life?
another better year
i am so bored i actually want to weep a little
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LIES (love you too)
but maggie i just slept for over 6 hours which isn't bad, and yet when i woke up i still tried to put my shirt on backwards? this doesn't bode well for me does it?
i had the nicest lunch out today and a wonderful chat with one of my favourite people
and it was nice to say these are the 6 things i want right now, these are the things that will make me happy and i have 4 of them and i am happy
and it was nice to just sit and talk with someone i feel so comfortable with
i'm not sure whether how open and honest about myself and my flaws i am to people here is a good thing or a bad thing yet
i've always been taught not to be to open, not to be to honest, cover the parts of yourself that you think people might not like, hide the parts of yourself that you're not proud of
and not doing that makes me feel insanely vulnerable but also incredibly accepted, like it's alright to not be perfect
i just haven't decided if one is worth the other
ah difficult beaty part of the song
i am feeling too lazy to vid you right now
why am i listening to ed sheeran at 6am and thinking about how i wish there was ice in my water? if i stay awake thinking about it ice is not going to appear
it’s december, so it’s more than okay to watch this every single day.