**HELLO AGAIN**, everyone !
Now that the BINGO event has wrapped up (and we had so much fun! Can’t wait until next summer when we do it again!), we are turning our sights to the third Ginuary event: a **Big Bang**. And what is that, you ask?
We are asking for stories that are **10,000 words or longer**. We are opening up Ginuary to Jily. This means you can write a 10,000 word story about either Harry and Ginny or James and Lily. Or both! We have a list of prompts; you can choose from the list, or make up your own. **This is not formal prompting**. You don’t have to claim the prompt.
Sign ups will open on **September 1, and conclude on November 15**. We would like all stories to be completed by December 1, and we’ll set a schedule for posting throughout the month of December.
We are really excited to see all these stories, and we hope you sign up! Watch this space for the sign up sheet!
Here’s the official link for the Harry & Ginuary Fanfiction Extravaganza Big Bang event sign-ups: