Lots of people fired mortars up here. It doesn't matter.
Ack Ack got me my battlefield commission on the Canal. Seems like a thousand years ago now.
People been fighting over this b*tch since ancient times, dawg. How many graves we standing on? Think about all the wisdom and science and money and civilization it took to build these machines, and the courage of all the men who came here, and the love of their wives and children that was in their hearts. And all that hate, dawg, all the hate it took to blow these motherf*ckers away. It's destiny, dawg. White man's gotta rule the world.
episode 1 // episode 7
GENERATION KILL || Favourite Relationships - Ray Person + Walt Hasser
Did you see Walt? He tried to kill himself!
Thanks to your driving!
imagine what the doctors would make of ray person
GENERATION KILL || Favourite Relationships - Rudy Reyes + Ray Person
You god damn fucking piece of shit! Rudy, you fucking PTSD psycho! You’re just like every other jock piece of shit in high school!
LEON FORD as 1st Lt. Edward "HILLBILLY" Jones → for @a-beautiful-struggle-of-life