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I have simply walked into Mordor.

Felszallasra var a G-BOAE Concorde New Yorkban, 1984. oktober 15-en. Hatterben az ikertornyok. (Foto: Gerry Whitlow)


Here's a nice story I learned in the Norwegian ski museum:

In 1895, polar explorers Fridtjof Nansen and Hjalmar Johansen were having a bad time. Their expedition had faced some hardships and they were forced to stay on Franz Josef Land in a little hut they built out of mud and stones. In their hut, they slept for circa 20 hours a day, and spent the remaining four hours watching the northern lights or reminiscing about the comforts of home and the books they had read.

After several months of this, and nine months of sleeping in the same sleeping bag to stay warm, on New Year's Eve, Nansen finally gathered his courage and asked Johansen if they should start adressing each other with the informal you.

This is where the story ended in the museum, so unfortunately, I can't tell you whether Johansen answered yes or no.


Arrol a sztorirol mar hallottam, hogy az Air Transat 236-os jarata uzemanyagszivargas miatt, mukodo hajtomuvek nelkul siklott el az Azori-szigetekig 2001. augusztus 24-en.

Arrol viszont nem, hogy Robert Piche kapitanyt meg a 80-as evek elejen azert sitteltek le, mert a gepevel Jamaicabol csempeszett marihuanat🤣


"So here’s my pitch to the writers’ room: The Democratic Party should pick a Republican.

At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney."


"Team USA overcame a 16-point deficit to beat South Sudan, the youngest nation playing international basketball, 101-100, to remain unbeaten in exhibition play this summer."

Dream Team


Minden nyari lelegzetvetelkor a szomszedos allatvasar buze kuzd meg az elviselhetetlen paratartalommal - elkerulhetetlenul ikszelnek, itt kizarolag te veszithetsz. Ez mar alig Dubaj, ket utcara a hivatalos hatartol, kilometerekre attol, amit altalaban Dubajnak gondolnak.

Altalaban pentekre esik, mikor elnezek a Damaszkusz utcara, ezen a kornyeken leggyorsabban imaido alatt lehet kozlekedni. Eleinte havonta jartam ide a lahori pakikhoz hajat vagatni, de aztan fokozatosan egyre tavolabb koltoztem, es most mar majdnem semmi ertelme ilyen messzire kocsikaznom. Aligha az ertelme miatt teszem, de azert minden evben eljovok egyszer.

Ahol a tobbseg csak ideiglenesen allomasozik, a keves biztos pontok egyike maradt ez a fodraszuzlet. Ma is 15 dirham volt a vagas, mint kilenc eve, mikor az egyik egyiptomi haverom eloszor beterelt ide. O mar regen visszament Kairoba, de a lahori pakik meg mindig vagnak. Es akkor is itt lesznek, amikor megunva az aktualis kilatastalansagot ismet visszajon majd nehany ev mulva.


Nagyon meglepne, ha Biden nem szallna ki egy heten belul


Libiai rendszamot meg errefele is ritkan latni, de azt hiszem, ez ki is maxolta a mufajt

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