Sweaty Palms Vol 2 is important because we need to talk about what anxiety & depression look like. 340+ pages of comics exploring different aspects of living w/ mental illness; It’s not a one-size-fits-all experience. 👏💦
It’s Feature Friday Thursday!
Today I’m featuring the fantastic Sweaty Palms Vol. 2- The Anthology About Anxiety.
What is it about: As the title suggests, Sweaty Palms features stories about folks and their experiences with anxiety. Every story is unique, because each story is drawn by a different artist about their own experiences.
Why I like it: I had heard about the series from an artist I follow on Tumblr, and the concept definitely sparked my interest. Luckily, I was able to find a copy at RCCC from one of the artists featured.
I have to be honest, I had to set it down a few times. Why? Some of the stories get really intense. Anxiety ain’t no joke folks. But that’s part of the reason that makes this anthology so good- the stories are intimate, personal, and raw with emotion.
Not only are the stories uniquely told, they’re also uniquely drawn. All of the art styles are amazing in their own way, and they’re all formatted creatively. Some have dozens of panels, some have none at all. They’re all drawn how the artist sees their experiences. Seriously, it’s a fantastic book to flip through.
But seriously, if you are someone who deals with serious anxiety and depression, I would be a bit careful when reading it. (If I recall correctly, they do put a warning in the beginning of the book. They also provide some resources for anxiety to look into in the back!)
How can I support this: Obviously, when I talk about reading this I’m talking about Vol. 1. HOWEVER! The Kickstarter for Vol. 2 is up RIGHT NOW!
The link for the Kickstarter can be found up above, with more information about the project itself. The reason I wanted to do Feature Friday a day early is because the Kickstarter actually ends Saturday August 4th at 10PM.
The good news is, they’re been 100% funded! You can still support the project though, and they have some super cool stretch goals to reach as well.
Seriously, if you can support this fantastic project!