#tiny trooper jet – @handless-and-dangerous on Tumblr

~ Prepare for Chaos ~


Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble. ~ Carl Jung

Christmas Shenanigans

Favorite Christmas Songs:

Wing: All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey (obnoxiously sings this song in the shower, even when it's not Christmas...)

Luck: Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee (acts out all parts of the song. Once knocked over the Christmas tree while doing so)

Kit: Last Christmas - Wham! (cries when it comes on)

Dice: Said he doesn't have one, but we all know it's Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas sung by Frank Sinatra

Jet: piano covers of traditional hymns (boring)


Snowflakes! Dice is guarding the scissors... as he should.

*sigh* Mine looks stupid. I think I made it wrong... why is it a triangle

Oh no, Sarge turned his back...

Aughhhk help they're trying to kill me!

CT-6273, this is why we cannot have nice things. If you can't behave, then you can't participate.

*ignoring the scene* Heh it's finished.

~ Wing decided that he cannot, in fact, behave. Time out 😏~

Oh, hey Wing. Have you decided to join the party again?

Luck: *sighs*

Wing! We worked so hard on those!

The heck... is happening...

Dice: *just doesn't even care anymore*

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