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~ Prepare for Chaos ~


Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble. ~ Carl Jung

Time for tooka snuggles to get warmed up. Ahhhhhh, I can actually feel the cold leaving 😌

I can't feel my hands...

Luck, you don't have hands.

Well then I can't feel my feet...

I can't feel things I didn't even know I had...

Then how do you know that you didn't know that you--

Stop arguing.

Yes Sarge.

Yessir. 🫡

Merry Christmas from Chaos Squad!

Hope you all woke up to stuffed stockings... because we sure did!

Luck was really excited to receive his first stocking. Even Sarge was pleased :)

We must've been good boys this year! These things are stuffed!

Hmm... three solid disks. I wonder if they're edible... I must say I do appreciate the color.

What are these?

Those are Nerds - a type of candy. Santa Claus knows you're a Nerd, son.

But... I didn't even write him a letter...

Well, he knows everything, or so I've been told.

Surely you can't mean, like, everything... 😳


A very nice lady kindly knitted us some stockings for the Christmas holiday! I... have no idea why hanging socks became a holiday tradition... But as they say, "When in Rome..."

Luck said "Socks belong on feet" and now refuses to take them off, even when Sarge told him that they can't be filled with presents if his feet are in them.

~ Kit

This is like the cutest thing I have seen all day!!!@

I don't know about the socks... but these bad boys certainly are 😏😉


Christmas Shenanigans

Favorite Christmas Songs:

Wing: All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey (obnoxiously sings this song in the shower, even when it's not Christmas...)

Luck: Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee (acts out all parts of the song. Once knocked over the Christmas tree while doing so)

Kit: Last Christmas - Wham! (cries when it comes on)

Dice: Said he doesn't have one, but we all know it's Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas sung by Frank Sinatra

Jet: piano covers of traditional hymns (boring)


A very nice lady kindly knitted us some stockings for the Christmas holiday! I... have no idea why hanging socks became a holiday tradition... But as they say, "When in Rome..."

Luck said "Socks belong on feet" and now refuses to take them off, even when Sarge told him that they can't be filled with presents if his feet are in them.

~ Kit


Snowflakes! Dice is guarding the scissors... as he should.

*sigh* Mine looks stupid. I think I made it wrong... why is it a triangle

Oh no, Sarge turned his back...

Aughhhk help they're trying to kill me!

CT-6273, this is why we cannot have nice things. If you can't behave, then you can't participate.

*ignoring the scene* Heh it's finished.

~ Wing decided that he cannot, in fact, behave. Time out 😏~

Oh, hey Wing. Have you decided to join the party again?

Luck: *sighs*

Wing! We worked so hard on those!

The heck... is happening...

Dice: *just doesn't even care anymore*


Things escalate quickly around here... I just walked past and heard Kit saying "Heh, check out my gum banana." I guess that's pretty normal for our squad.

Next thing I knew, there was yelling coming from the other room, and I had to intervene.

What is wrong with you two? Kit? What in the galaxy happened?

*mumbles something*

Speak up.

I said, "he licked my stick of gum."

Ugh. We have the same spit, moron, get over it.

(I can't believe my morning caf was interrupted by this.)

<Entry by Dice>

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