Welcome to handless-and-dangerous!
Two of us are handless, one of us is dangerous (up to you to guess which one...)
We hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to meeting you!
Sincerely, Wing
Two of us are handless, one of us is dangerous (up to you to guess which one...)
We hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to meeting you!
Sincerely, Wing
Hey Sarge let me out! I'm stuck!
You got yourself in there, you can get yourself back out.
*contemplates existence*
Lookout! Beanbags incoming!
Huh. I think he likes it in there...
*hugs beanbag*
Yep, these dough balls are ready to get fired.
While those are firing, the starberries need chopped.
Uhhhngh....... not sure what that means, but we're happy to be of service 🫡
Here, have some of our famous starberry shortcake!
Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to let you keep Luck 😏 You have to give him and the bowl back. That's what Sarge said.
Kit what are you doing? These aren't for sleeping.
Sure they are. Use your imagination
Ah yes. They are for sleeping.
Couldn't have said it better myself 😌
Watching an all-time classic for the first time! 10/10 for excitement, quality, music, and feels. Oh yes, and Shroom joined.
Luck's so cute in his socks 😏
Luck wants to rewatch it tomorrow night... but we're always open for recommendations. What should we watch next?
<Entry by Kit>
Adorable socks
Yep, these dough balls are ready to get fired.
While those are firing, the starberries need chopped.
Just look at that beautiful biscuit 🤩
Crumble the biscuit, add the starberries, splash in some milk, sprinkle some sugar over it, and voila, your starberry shortcake is complete!
Hey Sarge, why can't we do missions briefing on the bean bag chairs?
Because we don't go on missions anymore.
So like... if we were to start again... you would use the bean bag chairs??
I didn't say that.
Bean bag chairs for the whole GAR!!
Hey you might be on to something! 👀
Don't be giving him any ideas *stern sarge tone of voice*
Heh. Too late 😏
Yep, these dough balls are ready to get fired.
While those are firing, the starberries need chopped.
Hey Sarge, why can't we do missions briefing on the bean bag chairs?
Because we don't go on missions anymore.
So like... if we were to start again... you would use the bean bag chairs??
I didn't say that.
Kit what are you doing? These aren't for sleeping.
Sure they are. Use your imagination
Ah yes. They are for sleeping.
Watching an all-time classic for the first time! 10/10 for excitement, quality, music, and feels. Oh yes, and Shroom joined.
Luck's so cute in his socks 😏
Luck wants to rewatch it tomorrow night... but we're always open for recommendations. What should we watch next?
<Entry by Kit>
The birth day feast was a huge success. Dice enjoyed his hot dog, Luck got his pizza, and I got my rich, Corellian brandy 😌
Alright, desert time! We'll start with the orange one, since that's Dice's favorite color.
That's what I'm talking about!
Sorry it's not uj cake, sir... We couldn't get the ingredients in time...
Don't worry about it, kid
Here, sarge, have the first slice.
You boys are the best.
Hey now, don't go getting all soft on us.
Love you too sarge❤️
Now for the Birth Day feast!
Pizza's hot n'ready.
Aaaaaand can't forget the charcuterie!
Is... is that a hot dog?
Yeah. Hot dog charcuterie. All the rage.
*scoffs* It is not.
Like you keep up on the trends 🙄
Can't forget the drinks!
I really don't mind if I do...
What about my drink?
Sorry son, you can't mix alcohol with your meds.
I put a cup of that juice you like on the table.
*Luck sighs* Alright, then.
It's February 9th, so you know what that means!
Happy Birth Day sir.
You guys didn't have to do anything...
Aw shut yer trap, we did too
Here, read your card!
Awe... thanks kid. This means a lot.
Love you sir
Love you too son
Thanks boys. I... *swallows* Thank you.
Any time, old man.
*Voice behind the camera like a home video* What have you got there, Luck?
Ah, a fancy blanket. Great for the cold weather we've been having recently. Who made it for you?
The neighbor lady.
Wonder what you did to get on her good side. You could share, too, you know.
Yeah, no.
Alright folks, for our last act (and by act I mean ad for my friend's frogs)*, Luck would like to demonstrate that the little frogs are really just frog-shaped, soft, puppy dogs who just want heaps of love.
Who's a good boy Shroomie? You are! Yes you are!
*big wet smooch*
Alright folks, that does it as our last official advertisement for the frogs. Check out @frog-haven for more! As always, stop by my friend's shop to get a little friend for--
*Luck, interjecting* You'll probably be seeing more of Shroom though, seeing as he's a part of the Squad now.
He is not part of this squad.
Well then he can be the mascot 😤
Yeah, yeah, that'll do. See ya next time, folks. Peace out. ✌🏽