people calling twitch emotes by their not actual name is comedy fucking gold. "the fat guy laughing" YOU MEAN LUL????
Do they know that reading is not mandatory? Nobody is forcing them to read?
its so crazy that the uk has a cleaning product called Clit Bang
oh yeah? then explaim this!
finished sitting down and watching stevens universe. damn man
bandle too easy today
if this was 2014 we'd have a viral musical clip akin to "taking the hobbits to isengard" but for "theyre eating the dogs" ONE DAY after he said it.
handing a picture of otacon to the hair store and giving them really big puppy eyes to convince them
uninstall blyat........ i hang my hat in shame
thank you to machine girl for creating the kind of music i need when im hair ripping out screaming mad
i love seeing that theres a new generation of imbeciles prepared to commit fraud because some guy said some words to them in a specific order that made them think commiting wire fraud is not punishable and that theyre just "doing a glitch" as if there will be no repurcussions as if it is not real life theyre fucking around in
life flashing before your eyes but its just all the times you got unceremoniously mad for no fucking good reason before chilling the fuck out the picosecond the marijuana smoke touches your throat
i love waking up on the wrong side of bed its like oh cool i woke up and my toe feels a little weird? cool everyones going to die because of this now. a deep evil, named hatred has been born into my heart