I will lead with a brief disclaimer: All guys aren’t all bad. It is reductive to say so. You know that. I know that. We all know that. Sometimes, though, it’s just fun to complain. You know? So, with a smattering of past experiences, plus the knowledge that, sure, whatever, not all guys as a subset of the human race actually as terrible people (and even the ones who are objectively awful aren’t awful all the time; just some of it, and when it affects you negatively) let’s check out the reasons why guys actually suck.
Have you ever seen an embarrassing photo of yourself? You know the type. A notification pops up on Facebook and you can’t un-tag yourself fast enough because that face you’re making is just the worst. Now, imagine that notification popping up, but this time when you open it you see something you can’t unsee. Something criminal, and sadly, something everyone else can see now too. I got one of those notifications once. I saw a girl who was naked and unconscious. She is a daughter, a girlfriend, an activist, and an adventurer. Her name is Chrissy Chambers. She is me. I am a victim of revenge pornography, and this is my story.
Given that I am a young, single, millennial lady of an appropriate courting age, I spend my time much the way you would think–lounging around on my phone, perusing topical memes, and scrolling through the extensive catalog of eligible young bachelors in my contact list so that I might text them said topical memes. As such, I have it on good authority (me! I am incredibly self-absorbed! The only things I like are Snapchat and doing the nae nae!) the rumors are true–texting a crush is one of the worst, most emotionally exhausting things in the world. Ruining one’s life can be as simple as a misplaced screenshot.
If you’ve ever sexted, statistically, you’re not alone–between thirty to sixty percent of young adults have sexted. Despite parental hysteria, however, there isn’t really anything wrong with sexting as a whole–you just have to know the facts in order to stay safe, and not a lot of people who are your parents’ age are going to know what to tell you. Here are the things that you should know about sexting that no one else will tell you.
What is there to say that hasn’t already been said about the emotional trauma that often comes from texting boys?
It’s hard. It’s hard with any boy, pretty much (like, they might as well be speaking a completely different language in a bunch of cases), and especially hard when you’re texting a boy that you actually really like. There are a number of questions that go along with it–what does he mean by that? Why that particular emoji, and why did he choose to place it there? Is putting no punctuation anywhere a good or bad sign?