Although it feels like cell phones have been around forever, in the grand scheme of things, they are actually still relatively new – especially smartphones. I sometimes feel like I was born with my iPhone 6 attached to my hand, and then I have to remind myself that not only were cell phones not yet everywhere when I was in high school, but iPhones weren’t even around then.
In fact, being super into eating healthy can actually be considered an eating disorder. It’s called orthorexia, and it’s a very real eating disorder that is unfortunately becoming more and more common. Orthorexia is an unhealthy obsession with eating clean and healthy, whereas anorexia is an obsession with dieting and not eating, and bulimia is binging and purging. Want to take a guess as to what’s fueling the recent increase in orthorexia cases? Yep – it’s social media.
I enjoy water because it’s refreshing and it keeps me alive. We’ve all heard that drinking eight glasses of water a day is ideal… I probably drink two glasses of water a day in addition to iced tea and soda. I’ll be the first one to say that I should definitely be drinking more water. This week, my goal was to drink eight or more glasses of water per day (and nothing else!) I was hoping with all the water I was drinking that my skin would clear up, I would feel more hydrated throughout the day, and possibly more energetic. Was drinking eight glasses a day beneficial or will Diet Coke always serve me the best?