#not necessarily how i see it – @grundyscribbling on Tumblr


@grundyscribbling /

Sometimes I write. Mainly Tolkien-focused here, but I can't promise other things won't crop up.

a young Galadriel as very proud and not always fair is endearing tbh. Also the idea of her ssss as a teen rebellion utterly exasperating to Finarfin ahhh.

I love the idea of her being in this competition with Feanor without Feanor being aware of it because the only sibling relevant to him is Fingolfin, to whom he dedicates any time not spent on craft or his family. He’s barely even aware of Finarfin, nevermind his children. Meanwhile Galadriel is fuming every time someone mentions Feanor, enemy of her beloved grandmother. She’s outdoing everyone in loremaster school. But every time she outdoes her peers the loremasters compare her to this asshole. He’s her nemesis. It’s just that he’s mostly unaware of it.

Then one day in the middle of his light obsession he sees her hair and is inspired. And she’s like 1. finally; fuck you! and also 2. how dare you ask the most brilliant mind of my (and possibly your) generation for her hair instead of her input. #unfriendsforever

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