Jupiter in Ultraviolet from ESA/Hubble
Berliner Architekturwelt - Vereinigung Berliner Architekten - 1898 - via Internet Archive
as children we were deeply fascinated by the little electronic coupon things in the grocery store aisles that would eject individual coupons
look what they took from us
oblivion of the self
Willy Pogany (American, 1882–1955) - Hand to the Stars
this is the most acurate uquiz ive ever taken
this is the most accurate uquiz I’ve ever taken
Fair enough 🫥
I'm genuinely not even that fanatic over Doctor Who these days but like... I hate that it's apparently the thing to call David Tennant the 14th Doctor. It's horrible. Don't like it. He's just the tenth again. Doctors aren't US presidents. He's not fucking Grover Cleveland he's not allowed to have two numbers.
Some long exposure photos I took with my phone of a storm going on currently here in Appleton, WI
Paul Lehr
“One of my earliest Space Colony paintings was based on the giant ‘Model 3’ cylindrical habitats envisioned by Gerard O'Neill. I imagined the clouds forming at an ‘altitude’ around the rotation axis.” ~artist Don Davis
Whitney Bedford (American, 1976), Veduta (Bonnard L’Hiver), 2022. Ink and oil on linen on hybrid panel. 243.84 x 243.84 cm
Oh my god Wisconsin's governor just used a line item veto to secure school funding increases every year through 2425. He struck out a line so it now reads "through the 2023-2425 school year". He's allowed to do this lol
Coastal Dems: now we can't go too far now haha, we can't. We've got to be reasonable, you know, also eight of us might defect to the Republicans if you're mean to us
Midwest Dems in control of no legislative bodies:
i love blackout poetry
It's actually insane how much he got done with this bill. Some of these vetoes are insanely cool
Ritual by Arkadiusz Danovski www.danovski.pl oil on canvas 80/100 cm