@grondds-and-roses on Tumblr

Eren Jeager’s #1 Defender

@grondds-and-roses /

AO3 ||21||Muslim||Arab||LOTR, AOT and Taylor Swift||Free Palestine

You guys do know you're supposed to reblog things, right

"well i like this post but i'm worried my followers might not" fuck your followers. The entire point of tumblr is to cause irreparable psychic damage to your followers. We are locked in mortal combat on the astral plane. You must win. You Must Win. You Must Destroy Them.



I love the concept of Tooks. "Everybody in the Shire is very very businesslike and respectable and has no use for adventures except for this one entire family of mad lads who also run the municipal government"

The decision by the kings of Arnor to name the Tooks rightful thanes of the Shire was actually a 3000-IQ play by the Witch-King of Angmar to keep the Tooks far the fuck away from him

Ya gotta get 'em from where they'll least expected it

Hi I’d like to talk to @alotofmomos - I just want to talk


Pippin will constantly stand outside of Aragorn’s kingly meetings and just climb through the window occasionally, perching like a pirates bird.

Aragorn, of course, is chill about it, its the nobles in the room who are flipping out

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