April Fools Engalnd APH
Sure maybe it doesn't technically completely fit me but it's fun as hell to wear. It's really wonderful that things like this can be canon in this fandom. The shorts are necessary so I'm not charged with indecent exposure.
@grody-cosplay-n-crap / grody-cosplay-n-crap.tumblr.com
April Fools Engalnd APH
Sure maybe it doesn't technically completely fit me but it's fun as hell to wear. It's really wonderful that things like this can be canon in this fandom. The shorts are necessary so I'm not charged with indecent exposure.
Top: Emily and Chii catching me taking pictures of them
Bottom: Milo and Emma
That depends entirely on whether you are who I think you are or not.
Jolly good! British pride and all the rot!
Keep up the patriotism!
Oh....Helloooooo China. How are youuuu?? I'm just having a perfectly normal everyday kind of day over here! Nothing strange at all!
......what's wrong with my-
The bloody fuck is eyebrow day.
Oh why suuuuuuuure...
Oh damn it, it's so bloody late. What happened....
*grumble grumble*
Wanking tiddily dollup I'm tire- WHAT THE SHAGGING CUMBERBATCH IS ON MY BODY
((Guess what's going to be in the anime motherbuckers???