See the collection: Kith's New Capsule Collection Will Cure Your Seasonal Depression
"I don't see how all this is any different than—let's take a modern sex symbol like Brad Pitt. How many of these women who fantasize about him actually get to sleep with him? It's all fantasy—that's what entertainment is. I'm here to entertain you, and if my sexuality is apparent and you respond to it, and you're attracted to it, then great, I'm doing my job. It ain't happening anyway!" - Adam Lambert, DETAILS November 2009 Issue (Photographed by Alexei Hay)
Realize Installation, Muhammad Ali, DETAILS March 2011 Issue (Photographed by Jon Davis)
Still Life, The Higher-Lower East Side, DETAILS November 2009 Issue (Photographed by Renato D’Agostin)
“I think it's possible to have a man-crush if you're not gay or to have a crush on a guy you know to be gay if you're a woman. Attraction is fluid, and I think our imaginations are strong enough to hold a container for all of this complexity, even if we know on a subconscious level something's not what it appears to be.” - Wentworth Miller, DETAILS August 2014 Issue (Photographed by Van Sarki)