Hello, I'm Twitch and these are my blogs.
twitcherpated - main blog that I browse from.
twitcherpated-replies - side blog for when I want to have a long response to a post but am anxious about putting it on my main blog.
laughablyunimportant - old writing blog, kept mostly for posterity. Very infrequently reblog writblr posts to it.
twitcherpateds-dash - sideblog meant to serve as a sort of time capsule of my dash. Only goes back to July 2023.
problemsforfutureme - things I want to reference later for a specific purpose.
kairisinsideme - posts that made me laugh out loud.
gorgeousandsexyfailures - fanart I like.
coloringbookcollection - lineart that could theoretically be used as a coloring page.
collectinganxiouswords - writing I like.
learntoplaytherain - music I like.
makethebraingoclick - neat and interesting facts and images that make the flappy hands.
All my headers (I think, unless I missed one) are from The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff. Those books are visual masterpieces.