Broken Parts and Mended Hearts
Part 1 - A Feral Deviant
Cover by @cptjh-arts
I just posted a new fanfiction that is part of a series. Some of you might already know about it, it's based on a still ongoing RP of @cptjh-arts and myself. The original RP has a total amount of words well over a million by now. It is a monster project to edit and beta read, I tell ya.
The story will be split into several parts to keep the project manageable for me as the editor and whatever poor soul will end up beta reading it.
There will be art by CptJH, myself and maybe even others that'll go along with the story.
The first part of the series starts off in December 2038 with a raid of Cyberlife tower. Things don't go so well.
This part was heavily inspired by the fanfiction Augmented by Fantismal.
Part 1 was beta read by the one and only @glxyqst, an amazing writer and even greater human being <3 Make sure to check out their AO3 as well.
Further information below the cut