For Tisha BeAv
Still we mourn for lost homelands
For Jerusalem, for Spain, for Morocco, for Iran and for Iraq, for Yemen, for Egypt, for Tunisia, for Hungary, for Barcelona, for Vienna, for Sicily, for Geneva, for Portugal,
For Córdoba, for Granada, for Salonica, for Fez, for Kiev, for Lucena, for Norwich and for London, for Toledo, for Mainz, for Bilbeis, for Damascus, for Zurich, for Worms, for Brussels, for Odessa, for Hebron, for Tunis
Who will answer for every grave marker stolen and milled into paving-stone?
For every family heirloom looted and resold?
For every synagogue plundered and turned to church or mosque?
There is no family of the deceased still living there to object
How convenient it is that they all seem to have left, whether by boat or body-bag
All that remains are trinkets and souvenirs
Oh, Benyamin*, is there no respite from weeping?
Even you could not archive absence