The King Salmonid who all Fish Sticks aspire to be. The first Griller to surpass their mortal coils and ascend to a state far more... eldritch. A grotesque autonomous collective and yet a ruler in its own right. The aquatic roi des rats of the whirlpool's roil, whose name shall not be uttered. The worlds worst maypole by far, 0/10.
And yet there are sea creatures far worse, and far scarier, out in the unknown depths... beyond the splendour of the tempest; the sandbank’s luring smile. Encircled by flopping hordes of mindless and amorphous dancers, lulled amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.
Waiting for their moment.
(Rough concept art courtesy of @zenders-art)