I ran out of my long acting ADHD meds yesterday and my pharmacy had to order them in for today. Which means I'm at work today with no ADHD meds.
I cannot hold a damn thought.
I have stopped mid-doing something and gone into buffering mode as I tried to remember what the hell I was in the middle of doing. I forget every second thought.
So, don't let NTs tell you "ADHD is just forgetting things. I forget things all the time."
Not every 5 seconds, Sharon! Not over and over and over. This is not a normal brain pattern.
You can take your brain and memory ableism and shove it where the thoughts don't shine.
I was without my ADHD meds for a week and a half because of a pharmacy fuckup and it was hell. My brain was so loud and I couldn’t get anything done. The quiet and peace that descended on me when I got my meds finally was such a huge relief.