#italian – @gladiates on Tumblr

all that is solid melts into air

@gladiates / | writeblr is @frozenstillicide | simblr is @ermitan0

idk why exactly but whenever i see the trace of lat. cor, cordis (heart) in italian words i have to lie down for a minute. truly some of our best words

  • concorde, concordia, concordare (concordant, concord, to agree): from lat. concors, cum+cor = 'with heart', 'united in the heart';
  • cordoglio (very deep grief, often collective): from lat. cordolium, cor+dolium (dolore) = 'pain of the heart';
  • ricordo, ricordare (memory, to remember/recall): from lat. recordari, re+cor = 'back in the heart' because they used to believe memory resided in the heart;
  • coraggio, coraggioso (courage, courageous): from lat. coraticum, cor+habeo= 'to have heart';
  • misericordia, misericordioso (mercy, merciful): from lat. misericoris, misereor+cor = 'to have mercy in the heart'.

Expressing Your Opinion in ITALIAN

Expressing thoughts:

PENSARE (to think) + CHE + SUBJUNCTIVE  Other verbs used: immaginare (to imagine), credere (to believe), supporre (to suppose), trovare (to find), ritenere (to believe, find), avere l’impressione (=to have the feeling), essere dell’avviso che (to be in the opinion that)parere, sembrare (to seem; esp. mi pare, mi sembra = it seems to me)

(Io) penso/credo/suppongo che = I think that (Io) non penso/credo/suppungo che = I don’t think that (Io) Ho l’impressione che = I have the feeling that (Io) Non ho l’impressione che = I don’t have the feeling that Mi sembra/pare che = It seems to me that Non mi sembra/pare che = It doesn’t seem to me that (Io) Sono dell’avviso che = I’m of the opinion that (Io) Non sono dell’avviso che = I’m not of the opinion that (Io) Trovo/ritengo che = I find that (Io) Non trovo/ritengo che = I don’t find that

e.g. Penso che sia utile leggere questo libro = I believe that it’s useful to read this book Mi pare che tu non stia studiando molto = It seems to me that you’re not studying very much Ho l’impressione che Gina mi stia dicendo una bugia = I have the feeling that Gina is lying to me

-> Also as: PENSARE + DI + INFINITIVE (With all the verbs listed above)

e.g. Penso di essere d’accordo (con te/con quello che hai detto) = I think I agree (with you/what you said) Ritengo di avere ragione = I believe I’m right Sono dell’avviso di lasciar perdere questa situazione = I am in the opinion of giving up this situation

SOSTENERE + CHE + INDICATIVO (/CONGIUNTIVO) Honestly. subjunctive sounds more correct to the ear, but as stated in the past on this blog, indicative is taking over in the spoken language and also, it’s the verb of certainty, so that’s why it is used here often instead of the other tense. Other verbs: sostenere (to affirm, claim), essere convint* (to be sure)

(Io) sostengo che = I claim that (io) non sostengo che = I don’t claim that (Io) sono convint* che = I am sure that (Io) non sono convint* che = I am not sure that

e.g. Sono convinta che Giulia ha ragione = I’m sure Giulia is right. Il professore sostiene che gli studenti non hanno aperto il libro = The professor claims that 

FIXED WORDS + INDICATIVO / CONDIZIONALE For example: A mio avviso, a mio parere, a mio giudizio = in my opinion Per come la vedo io = in my view (=for the way I see it/this) Per me = for me Secondo me = for my part, in my view Personalmente = personally (esp. introducing the verbs above)

e.g. Secondo me questo libro è troppo complesso. = In my view this book is too complex. A mio avviso dovresti concentrarti di più = In my opinion you should concentrate more Personalmente credo che dovresti uscire più spesso = Personally I think you should go out more often La tua reazione, a mio giudizio, spiega molte cose = Your reaction, in my opinion, explains a lot of things

Supporting an opinion:

Si dice / Dicono / Qualcuno dice che + congiuntivo = they/some say that Nessuno dice che + congiuntivo = nobody claims/ says that Ho sentito (dire) che + indicativo/congiuntivo = I heard that Ho sentito parlare di + nome = I heard about Per esempio = for example

e.g. Ho sentito (dire) che altre persone sono andate in quell’albergo e non si sono divertite = I heard that other people went to that hotel and didn’t have fun Sì, anche io ho sentito parlare di questa nuova cura = Yes, I heard about this new cure as well

Staying neutral:

Dipende / Quest* dipende da = that depends on È una questione di punti di vista = It all depends on your point of view. È difficile + infinitive = It’s hard to Non mi è possibile/Mi è impossibile dare un’opinione (certa, definitiva) su = I can’t express a (definite) opinion on Non ho mai veramente pensato a = I have never really thought about Non ho un’opinione precisa/certa su = I don’t have strong feelings about Non me lo sono mai chiest* = I’ve never wondered about it Non so/conosco nulla di/su = I don’t know anything about

e.g. Non ci ho mai pensato = I have never thought about it Non ho mai pensato a questa opportunità = I have never thought about this opportunity Non so nulla sulle gare automobilistiche = I don’t know anything about car races Non mi sono mai chiesto se ci fosse un’altra soluzione a questo problema = I never asked myself if there was another solution to this problem

Asking for an opinion:

(informally: I used “tu”. You can use the same sentences with the 3rd singular person to make them formal): Che/cosa/Che cosa ne pensi + di + …? = What do you think about  Secondo te + che/cosa/che cosa + condizionale/futuro = In your opinion what …? Qual è la tua opinione / Qual è il tuo parere / Qual è il tuo punto di vista? = What’s your opinion/point of view? Cosa ne pensi tu? = What do you think? (after having expressed a situation/problem/personal opinion)

e.g. Cosa ne pensi di questo film? = What do you think about this film? Secondo te cosa farebbe tuo fratello al mio posto? = In your opinion what would your brother do if he was in my place? Secondo te cosa succederà? = In your opinion, what will happen?

Rejecting another opinion:

Common sentences: La tua opinione non conta = Your opinion doesn’t matter La tua opinione non mi interessa / Non mi interessa la tua opinione* = I don’t care about your opinion Non mi interessa il pensiero degli altri* = I don’t care about other’s opinion (*you can switch the order according on what you want to stress most: I found many Italians usually put the negative form of the verb first, to stress they don’t care about what you or others are saying) Non voglio sapere che/cosa/che cosa ne pensi = I don’t want to know what you think about it


Some Literature Vocab in Italian

Painting: The Baroque of Dante by Eugène Delacroix (inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Inferno)

  • novel: il romanzo
  • coming-of-age story: il romanzo di formazione
  • mystery: il mistero
  • novella: la novella
  • short story: il racconto breve
  • plot: la trama
  • historical fiction: il romanzo storico
  • nonfiction: la saggistica
  • science fiction: la fantascienza
  • character: il personaggio
  • plot twist: il colpo di scena
  • protagonist: il protagonista
  • antagonist: l'antagonista
  • scene: la scena
  • setting: l'ambientazione
  • essay: il tema
  • poetry: la poesia
  • poet: il poeta
  • poem: il poema
  • epic poem: il poema epico
  • elegy: l'elegia
  • ode: l'ode
  • rhyme scheme: lo schema metrico
  • drama: il dramma
  • metaphor: la metafora
  • irony: l'ironia
  • satire: la satira
  • sonnet: il sonetto
  • theme: il tema
  • tragedy: la tragedia
  • author: lo scrittore

Reblog this if you’re a langblr/lingblr that creates original content! 

I want to try to create content for some less learned languages + my dialect but idk if I should go for it? also I’m currently creating content on youtube <3


haven’t been doing enough langblr stuff recently but i’m getting back into Italian so i’ll be posting vocab lists if anyone’s interested!

Source: languagessi

How I got a B2 in Italian in 1.5 years

Anon requested me to share my secrets with you and I will try my best to do so. I don’t use all of these resources very regularly, but I think they could all help you with your studies. Some of these resources will be in Dutch, because that happens to be my native language. I included them because there might be Dutch speakers reading this and some resources might also exist in other languages.


  • Invest in a good dictionary!
  • Online dictionaries can prove very useful because they’re faster, but books are often more accurate
  • I use both, but am yet to find a good online Dutch-Italian dictionary
  • (For native Dutch speakers: I highly recommend Van Dale)


  • Vocabulary and grammar (app/website)
  • Took me about 6 months to finish
  • Use the desktop version: it’s where you can find the grammar
  • Take notes of the grammar!!
  • It’s not always 100% accurate but the basics are explained very well
  • Write down the vocabulary
  • I made a word document that went article + Dutch word/article + Italian word/article + Italian plural
  • (shoot me a message if you want it!)
  • I finished the tree before starting books, because I don’t like the idea of working with two (or more) different “full” resources at the same time
  • With “full” I mean that they’re not additional information you look up so you can understand a concept better, but actual resources that you’re going to study as a whole


  • Flashcards (app/website)
  • This app is also from Duolingo: for Italian, they’ve got flashcards for the Duolingo tree, so you don’t have to make them anymore! Sadly I only discovered this months after I finished the Duolingo tree so it wasn’t useful for me anymore, but honestly I think that’s a blessing if you want to repeat vocabulary! 
  • You can also make your own flashcards: you can keep them private or not and they’ve got audio.


  • Vocabulary (app/website)
  • I heard a lot about it, saying it was good for vocabulary so I thought I should give it a try.
  • I didn’t like it, I don’t really know why: I think it’s a good app, it just didn’t work for me.


  • Flashcards (app/website)
  • Make your own flashcards or use decks made by others.
  • There are also other things like diagrams but I haven’t tried that so I wouldn’t know how it works


  • Conversation practice (app)
  • It’s an app to chat with natives of the language you’re learning
  • Possibility to send voice messages, there’s an in-app dictionary, you can send pictures, you can video chat or call and most importantly: if there might be any problems, you can report and block.
  • I have not encountered a single person who is not there for learning, a problem that apparently exists on other apps.
  • You can also pay to get classes by teachers on there, and they’ve also got Tandem Pro without adds and probably some other advantages, but the free version is great as well


  • (Audio) books (app)
  • It’s mostly short stories and fairy tales
  • Some are paying, some not
  • You can turn on the audio

La Repubblica

  • Newspaper (app/website)
  • I turned on notifications for this one, so I can see what the important stuff is in Italy right now
  • I don’t often read whole articles, but I should because it’s great reading practice + you learn about politics, culture…
  • Newspapers often use a more difficult language, so I recommend this to people who are intermediate

Assimil Italian

  • Vocabulary + grammar (book)
  • I started this after finishing the Duolingo tree and then it’s not useful, because it starts from scratch.
  • Good alternative if you don’t like using apps like Duolingo
  • It has audio’s
  • (Got it from @lovelybluepanda)

Colloquial Italian

  • Vocabulary + grammar (book + CD)
  • I only got the book and not the CD (I got the book from lovelybluepanda‘s account, idk if she’s even got the CD?)
  • I liked it, although too easy because I had already finished Duolingo.
  • Very good grammar explanations

Modern Italian Grammar

  • Grammar (book)
  • Just plain grammar, but great explanations
  • I started taking notes from it, but rn I’m redoing it because 1) I should revise my grammar 2) the first notes I made were awful 3) I didn’t even get to 1/3 of the book
  • It’s a lot, but I love it
  • It has a workbook! Great exercises!
  • I also got this one from lovelybluepanda

Snelcursus Italiaans: grammatica

  • Grammar (book)
  • As you might have guessed, it’s in Dutch. But because it’s a translation from German (Durchstarten in Italienisch-Grammatikk) I thought there might be other translations out there :)
  • I use it to look up stuff, not so much to actually study from

Qui Italia più: corso di lingua italiana per stranieri: livello medio (quaderno di esercitazioni pratiche)

  • Exercises (book)
  • This one is completely in Italian
  • Varied exercises

Nuovo progetto italiano: quaderno degli esercizi

  • Grammar, vocabulary, exercises (book + CD’s)
  • Got this one at my language school in Rome and I quite like it (I got the B2 version)
  • Lots of different exercises, listening practice, reading, conjugations…


  • I’m not the type of person who keeps a diary but I’m trying to keep one for Italian and Norwegian. Just talking a bit about your daily/weekly activities, feelings… can make you feel more familiar with the language
  • If you’ve got a bullet journal, maybe you can do it in Italian?

Visit Italy

  • Easier said than done? You’re right about that.
  • I’ve recently spent 3 weeks in Rome with a language school while staying in a host family and honestly I learned so much. I don’t speak Italian with anyone here and speaking Italian all day long improved my level so much.
  • So if you have the possibility: plan a trip to Italy, talk with natives (in my experience: they’ll be more than happy to chat with you).
  • If people start to talk to you in English, don’t be scared to switch to Italian. Most of the time they’re very excited you speak the language!

Other tips

  • Switch your phone/tablet/computer/… language to Italian
  • Learn the alphabet!! 
  • A thing I was too lazy to do so after 1.5 years I still don’t know it and believe me, that can be annoying
  • Look for other resources! Especially in your native language!
  • Do not solely rely on this one post please
  • Follow as many Italian langblrs as you can: search for Italian vocab lists/grammar posts/… and follow the people who made them, there are also posts out there with lists of Italian langblrs (I’ll make a list with the ones I follow below)
  • Translate: I like to translate parts of wikipedia articles, Dutch to Italian or Italian to Dutch
  • Make a topic jar: lovelybluepanda has got a post with topic ideas
  • Listen to music, podcasts…
  • Watch Italian tv! Italian tv is unbelievably shitty but I like to watch quizzes in particular because if you don’t understand one part, that’s no problem: the next part will be about something different.
  • Read books! You can start with children’s books, from B1 books like the first Harry Potter books are doable, What I also find a good idea is reading a book in Italian that you’ve already read several times in your native language. That way you already know the story line and it’s not a problem if a certain part is too difficult for you

Italian langblrs/tumblrs


Law and Order Vocab in Italian


  1. to arrest- arrestare, fermare
  2. to ban- proibire, vietare
  3. to break in- irrompere
  4. to break the law- infrangere la legge, violare la legge
  5. to steal- rubare
  6. to charge (with a crime)- accusare
  7. to escape- scappare, fuggire
  8. to investigate- investigare
  9. to murder- uccidere, ammazzare
  10. to bribe- corrompere
  11. to assault- attaccare, assalire


  1. legal- legale, lecito
  2. illegal- illegale, contro la legge
  3. armed- armato
  4. dangerous- pericoloso, rischioso
  5. guilty- colpevole
  6. innocent- innocente
  7. violent- violento


  1. alibi- l'alibi (m)
  2. bail- la cauzione
  3. alarm- l'allarme (m)
  4. gun- la pistola
  5. jail- il carcere, la prigione
  6. knife- il coltello
  7. detective- l'ispettore (m), l'investigatore (m)
  8. weapon- l'arma (f)
  9. arson- l'incendio doloso (m)
  10. assault- l'attacco (m), l'assalto (m)
  11. bribe- la tangente
  12. conspiracy- il complotto
  13. espionage- lo spionaggio
  14. genocide- il genocidio
  15. treason- il tradimento
  16. spy- la spia
  17. terrorist- il terrorista
  18. terrorism- il terrorismo
  19. capital punishment- la pena di morte
  20. jail cell- la cella
  21. court- l'udienza (f), l'aula di udienza (f)
  22. fine- la multa, la contravvenzione
  23. jury- la giuria
  24. justice (concept)- la giustizia
  25. punishment- la punizione, la pena
  26. trial- il processo
  27. verdict- la sentenza
  28. witness- il testimone
  29. police officer- l'agente di polizia (m/f)
  30. lawyer- l'avvocato (m)
  31. criminal- il criminale

(Painting is Le Prisonnier de Chillon by Eugène Delacroix)




  1. art: l'arte (f)
  2. painter: il pittore, la pittrice
  3. sculptor: il scultore, la scultrice
  4. artist: l'artista
  5. painting: il dipinto, il quadro
  6. sculpture: la scultura
  7. museum: il museo
  8. art gallery: la galleria d'arte
  9. architect: l'architetto (m)
  10. architecture: l'architettura (f)
  11. paintbrush: il pennello
  12. colored pencil: il pastello
  13. canvas: la tela
  14. pastel: il pastello
  15. color: il colore
  16. drawing: il disegno, il schizzo
  17. easel: il cavalletto
  18. eraser: la gomma per cancellare
  19. illustration: l'illustrazione (f)
  20. landscape: il paesaggio
  21. mural: il murale, il graffito
  22. masterpiece: il capolavoro
  23. paint: la tinta, la vernice, la pittura
  24. pencil: la matita
  25. photo: la foto
  26. photography: la fotografia
  27. perspective: la prospettiva
  28. watercolor: l'acquarello (m), l'acquerello (m)
  29. Renaissance: Rinascimento


  1. to paint: dipingere
  2. to sculpt: scolpire
  3. to draw: disegnare
  4. to critique: recensire, analizzare
  5. to depict: raffigurare, rappresentare
  6. to illustrate: illustrare
  7. to create: creare
  8. to inspire: ispirare
  9. to design: progettare
  10. to influence: influenzare, condizionare
  11. to photograph: fotografare


  1. artistic: artistico
  2. abstract: astratto
  3. contemporary: contemporaneo
  4. realistic: realistico
  5. cubist: cubista
  6. colorful: variopinto, colorato
  7. acclaimed: acclamato, consacrato
  8. baroque: barocco
  9. avant-garde: all'avanguardia
  10. controversial: discusso, controverso
  11. provocative: provocatorio
  12. evocative: evocativo
  13. ethereal: etereo
  14. intense: intenso
  15. traditional: tradizionale, classico
  16. Romantic: romantico
  17. medieval: medievale, medioevale
  18. Renaissance: rinascimentale
  19. rococo: rococò
  20. neoclassical: neoclassico
  21. impressionist: impressionista
  22. expressionist: espressionista

All paintings are by Italian artists. From top to bottom:

  • Saint Anthony Abbot Shunning the Mass of Gold by Fra Angelico (circa 1435-1440)
  • Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy by Caravaggio  (circa 1595)
  • The Entombment of Christ by Luca Giordano (1655)
  • Interior of a Picture Gallery with the Collection of Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga by Giovanni Paolo Panini (also spelled Pannini) (1740)
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