@ghostsofmemories on Tumblr

for the hope of it all

@ghostsofmemories /

august, he/him. poet, novelist, and at least a couple other things that would sound really pretentious if you introduced yourself that way.

hey lovely people! i am finally making a real writeblr introduction to pin to my profile, because i finally like my url and thus am happy to put it on a little graphic. anyway, let’s get on with this this.

some basics:

  • my name is August (he/him)!
  • i’m 20
  • i’m from Michigan (US)
  • i’m aroace and trans!
  • i write literary fiction novels and poetry (and maybe short stories if i can ever figure those out)
  • i’m a cancer and an infj! not super into star signs or even mbti anymore but it’s still cool

my projects (in no particular order):

  • Where Edges Meet Soft Things, a poetry collection i've been selling my soul to for the last four years. it’s about joy and pain and fathers and the past. it's everything to me.
  • Insect Poison, a novel i have been fighting with for 5 years now. it was originally about a serial killer and a group of teenagers he kidnaps, but now it’s follows a set of twins, Robert and Ramona, and the turn the family takes after Ramona drowns in a lake in the middle of the night. did her brother do it? was it an accident? did she lowkey deserve it? these are questions i cannot answer because i do not know. what i can tell you is that i'll finish this book even if it kills me, and there will definitely be a ghost in it.
  • i run a little side project i call The Photo Archive, which is essentially me scanning and posting vintage photographs from old magazines and books (mainly national geographic but there's many others as well) to make sure they don't get lost to time and that the photographers are credited. i run a separate tumblr for it (@thephotoarchive) but the brunt of the project takes place on pinterest, where i'm able to sort the photos into boards based on source material and other people can share them to their own boards. if you ever see my poetry overlaid on some cool vintage pictures, that's where they came from! it's really just a passion project, but if you're a collage artist or photography enthusiast i'm sure scrolling through the pinterest for a couple minutes will be fun!

okay so now if you’re only really here for writing, feel free to peace out because this is where i start talking about other stuff! if other stuff interests you, feel free to carry on.

my hobbies outside writing include reading, art, photography, crochet, guitar, singing + music production, and applying for jobs i’m not qualified for. 

here are some other fun facts/some of my favorite things if you’re still here:

  • i have a wonderful cat named Nemo
  • my favorite books are The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett, Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr, The Hollow Kind by Andy Davidson, Mouthful of Birds by Samanta Schweblin, and Time is a Mother by Ocean Vuong
  • i have a slightly unhealthy (but otherwise harmless) fixation on Taylor Swift
  • if you also like Taylor Swift i already know you’re wondering. my favorite album is evermore but i truly do love them all very much
  • i very rarely watch movies or TV shows, but my favorite show is The Haunting of Hill House (and all the Mike Flanagan series are in my top 5 shows, Midnight Mass is a close second)
  • i have literally never had caffeine, aside from a few sips of a few sodas
  • as you have probably figured out, i really like ghosts. metaphorical ghosts, fictional ghosts, evidence and stories of possible real-life ghosts and obviously just ghost stories in general. i just think they’re neat

well. i think that’s about it. i’m still trying to figure out how to post here again (specifically how i want to format my poetry), but you can see a lot more content from me on instagram! i post poems when i can and post on my stories way more than anyone would want to see.

and there you have it, an intro.


but if there's no ghost in the story, what would symbolize the simultaneous longing and disdain for the past? what would become the last link a character has between their history and their future? what would represent the ripples people can cause even after they can no longer throw stones in the water?

those of you who've reblogged this post with your wip/character's name in the tags ily <3



haven’t posted a poem on here in like two years so here’s one i posted on my poetry instagram a few months ago that i really like. you should all go follow me on there ok bye


oh no, have you made yourself cry over your silly little writing? have your silly little characters upset you because of the plot YOU made?

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