#notebooks – @ghostingpen on Tumblr

it's still you.

@ghostingpen /

ren. 27. it/its.
secondary blog: @lawtism
gif header by @pokiwayuko

if anyone has trouble getting started with journaling, i'd definitely recommend having an intro page and a list of prompts at the beginning of your notebook. it gets rid of the first page anxiety.

i love writing in my journal in the way artists doodle in sketchbooks. process the world and what you think about it. sit down with your brain and process these things together with pen and paper. make connections with arrows. think of follow-up questions that you then seek answers to. be in tune with yourself!


hello, i am curious if you do anything special with the stickers you put on your traveler's notebooks? to make them stick on-- i saw some people say stickers won't stay stuck to the leather but i see you have had a lot of success (your journals look very cool and loved); thank you!


hi thank you! i come across this issue too, and i’ve found that vinyl stickers stay on the best. if i have stickers that are peeling off, i often just hold them down with more stickers LOL or i relocate them to another area and that seems to do the trick.

when i’m decorating my leather notebook covers, i pay attention to the texture of the sticker. does it feel more matte than plastic? is it thick compared to the stickers you would find on cheap sticker sheets? then that means there’s a better chance it will stay stuck to the cover.


ohhhhh turns out what really works for me is a weekly horizontal planner that's undated. i've always admired the hobonichi weeks layout but failed to use it because dated planners just don't work for me. i can miss a week or two without having to waste space.

this is perfect because i treat my tasks as things i want to accomplish by the end of the week, not daunting to-dos with a 24-hour deadline. i've been going through quite a bad mental spiral to the point where i've been on leave from work these past few weeks, so i'm trying to slowly but surely take better care of myself instead of rotting away.

btw the planner is the weekly diary made by soft paper studio :3

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