@ghostingpen on Tumblr

it's still you.

@ghostingpen /

ren. 27. it/its.
secondary blog: @lawtism
gif header by @pokiwayuko

hi! i'm ren! ghostingpen is mainly a tumblr blog for me to share pretty academia pictures and educational posts to refer to later. i also use it to share my journey as a writer and my writing process.

i also share pictures of my journal, as journaling and collecting practical yet pretty stationery are some of my top special interests.

@lawtism - death note / misc blog

@distortedenvy - persona blog



Today wasn't a good day. My mental health is not in the best place at the moment, but I am trying to treat myself with kindness. I ended up skipping class, but thankfully I have a new friend who is kind enough to share with me her notes, and I am sure that missing those two hours won't be the end of the world. I still feel guilty about it, of course, but that is an emotional response I still have no control over. So it's good for me to tell myself that it's fine if sometimes it happens, and it was probably for the best if I didn't commute and all. I still got a bit of study done at home despite everything, because sitting around doing nothing would have been even worst, but didn't do much, and that's okay. I needed rest and took time to chill and listen to my audiobook. I also texted my therapist to ask for more close up sessions, and I'll probably be moving back to going to theraphy every other week for a bit. Not much that I can do other than doing my best at being kind to myself and asking for help when I need it.

21/50 days of productivity:

  • continued working on the recorded lectures for my spaces of knowledge class
  • practiced Irish on duolingo
  • journaled a little bit

📖: Cultish by Amanda Montell


I FINISHED STUDYING FOR MY FUCKING ENGLISH TEST TOMORROW okay i'm still a little iffy on the three types of sub clauses but i can review a bit before class. my brain is soup. i have been teaching myself all this material by myself while on my period and feeling like garbage. i had a really bad ptsd episode last night like i've done enough. i have done so much. i have a word document with like 4 pages of self-created notes. AND i wrote 4/5 of an essay this weekend and worked a bit on a graphic design project and sent emails to my professors and sent an email to my college's disability services and tidied my room and moved a bunch of laundry and convinced my mom to take her medication for the first time and (hyperventilating) i need to sit down and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the evening. i have class tomorrow and all this studying better have paid off


insomnia-induced late night journaling session (left) and behind the scenes of my newest video (right) :)!

every month, i do a little "artist of the month" collage and in february this title just had to go to twin tribes (my spotify stats can't lie). I reviewed the newest blutengel album as well - it was really good!!

I did a lot of phd-related work on the weekend and continued some of it today, including chapter planning and semi-finalized edits.

listening to: tåke, orkan

insta: a.rchive98 YouTube: journaling tapes

it really annoys me when people excuse their kindle unlimited subscription as "i want to support indie authors!!"

you want to support indie authors? actually buy their books.

sign up for bookbub. put down your genre preferences. choose either daily emails or weekly. you can pick any ebook retailer of your choosing ( may be a possible addition soon).

it will send you a daily or weekly email of books $2 or less, most of which are indie authors. some of them are even being offered for free because a lot of indie authors want that initial exposure.

you're welcome. remove all subscriptions with amazon.



I was dead post ER duty and was asleep until 5PM. I had dinner then studied after. Slow, but I’m satisfied. It’s more important to be kinder to one’s self.

February 27, 2025 • Thursday
--- 30 days of productivity • COLLAB CHALLENGE WITH @studaxy • Day 20/30 ---

💛 Axy's study time: 0h

💙 Iris's study time: 4h

[Axy's sleep time was like 17h lol but in their defense they were sick and terribly sleep deprived]

Made some IT notes. I'm not drastically lagging behind on that subject anymore :)

🎧 On the Run — Glass Animals


I’ve been wanting a notebook to track my hobby stuff, so I did the reasonable thing and just started to use my Day Log notebook from the back for hobby tracking. Still working out how exactly I want the layout

General category — specific project or activity type — date — description

Will eventually include reading, watched media, and any other type of art or craft project I decide to partake in.


been a bit m.i.a. bc i was sick and then spent weeks intensively preparing for a big exam i had a few days ago. now that it's over, i feel like i can breathe again and get back into posting regularly🤭 how's the new term going for everyone? <3


physically go to your local library at least once. seriously.

look around. find a random book with a cover that catches your attention. read the description. read the first page. if you like the sounds of it, borrow it and take it home to read. borrow a handful of books even.

if a book loses your interest, drop it. if a book grips onto you, ride that wave.

i've struggled to read recreationally for years despite having read so much as a kid. a lot of us are frozen by the seemingly infinite choices. even when we buy books to take home, we don't read them because which book is worth reading first? we don't have to decide, we have it right here in our bookshelves, we have an eternity of never deciding.

in this past month, i have read five books, most of them i've never heard of when i spotted their cover at the library. most of them, i've ended up loving. the due date of library books maintains the ability to read a book so i can return them to the library and leave the library with more books. an even better incentive than borrowing ebooks, because i actually have to leave the house and not be a hermit.

so if you used to enjoy reading but struggle with it now, ignore the book recs you hear. go to the library, come across a book that piques your interest, and read one page after another until you either lose interest or finish the book.

then it's onto the next one.

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