concept art for a Johnny Truant (house of leaves) fortnite skin
our house... in the middle of our leaves¹
¹This is a humourous riff on the lyrics to the song "Our House" by the English ska-pop band, Madness. "Our House" is considered a working class anthem, which contrasts the bourgeoisie lifestyle of the Navidson family.²
i dont know if young children "deserve" good art to honor their discerning 3 year old tastes or whatever, but they def deserve art that they can return to as an adult and enjoy.
if theres anything you want crushed and ruined just let me know
ill put it in my mangle
thats pretty reasonable i guess
Someone is doing just fine after his neuter surgery
okay man we get it you’re being tested by god
Abnegating Cecity - Submitted by fastman27
#2F404F #18222E #0D0E1B #251F2C #493C4D
8am wake up
10am tell someone you don’t love that you love them
12pm full English
2pm fuck someone who disgusts you
6pm start drinking
Squirrel from Bratz: Rock Angelz
well good morning it’s time to get up and find out why my roommates (neither of whom, to my knowledge, celebrate Christmas) are blasting Christmas music at 8:30 AM on November 14th
all righty then