* age of calamity is released *
Revalink, Miphlink, Revpha, Zelpha, Zelimpa, Miphzelink:
* age of calamity is released *
Revalink, Miphlink, Revpha, Zelpha, Zelimpa, Miphzelink:
Ok so here's the thing. I'm bi. Like bi as fuck. Yet, the ship I love the most in The Legend Of Zelda is Zelink. I don't know if it's the reincarnation thing, the constantly finding each other life after life...I don't know. But I know that doesn't make me straight. In fact, I think that does make me more bisexual (yes, I thirst after both of them). And I know that doesn't mean I can't find other ships interesting or cute.
For example, I think Sidlink is extremely adorable. Big sexy guy and tiny elf boy? Hell yeah. On the other hand, I find Miphlink so tragic but so charming at the same time... then we have Link+Malon, Link+Marin, Link+Midna, Link+Paya, Zelda+Midna, or even Zelda+Link+Ganondorf...There are so many pairings I can't even mention them all. And all of them are perfectly valid. That's exactly why ship wars are absolutely pointless in this fandom. There are so many interpretations of so many characters' love interests or sexualities that we should just celebrate the diversity we are being able to put into this. Ship whatever you want. Ship just the one couple you love. Ship as many couples as you desire. Ship three, four, five or six people together. As gay, trans, lesbian, ace... I don't care. We have been given the privilege to build a safe place for free love. Let's not ditch this opportunity. Let's be kind to each other ❤️